Participant #1:
Hello. Hello everyone and welcome to episode twelve of season three. I am Robin of at, a tired witch everywhere. And I am joined by the beautiful, talented, so sensual Maria. Maria the Arcane. Hello everybody.
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If you have just joined us this week, every week we talk about upcoming lunar phases and how we can utilize them magically in our practices. That being said, we have a super moon on July 13. It is a full moon in Capricorn. And as Maria said before we started recording this, it’s let’s get organized. Not only organized, that’s super organized because it’s a super moon. Yeah,
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they’re like super raging. Oh no. In reality, the full moon in Capricorn is a really good time to utilize things like organization. It is a very practical moon and a very driven moon. So this would be a really good time to do magic that is goal oriented, let’s say in a bigger picture kind of thing. The good thing about Capricorn full moons is that we aren’t really looking at the rate here right now. We’re looking at the bigger picture. So let’s say you are trying to get into a college, for example, that is a drawn out goal of the graduation at the end. That sort of thing would be really appropriate for this moon. Anything that isn’t kind of what’s the word I’m looking for here? Fast. Like slow down. Yeah. It’s a slow burn kind of moon in my personal opinion, even though it’s a super moon. And so I would kind of utilize those big long term goals for this particular phase simultaneously. It’s also a really good time to do practical things like organizing your herbs. You know it, I know it, we all know it. Your herbs are a mess. Sort it out. Maybe your alternative needs a good cleansing. I know normally we would save that sort of stuff for the new moon, but because of its organization and practicality, this is a really good moon to do these kind of practical things with your practice. Yeah. And there’s power in cleaning your spaces because you’re leaving. I definitely agree with everything you said. Thanks. So smart. Exactly what I’m doing. I’m going to use it to set for long term goals. Like thinking ahead. Yes, long term goal. So it’s 1000% what this moon is really good for. So any kind of spellwork when it comes to things like manifestation, look for the long term goal. Don’t do the quick kind of grabs for this particular moon if you want to utilize it. Yeah. Yeehaw.
Participant #1:
So if you just start listening to us. Every podcast we talk about a tarot card. We go over the universal meaning and then our own interpretations of the cards. Hearing other people’s opinions helps beginners form their own opinions or even those type of processes for a while. Expand their views on other meetings. So this week we’re going to talk about the chariot reversed. Okay. When looking at this card on the writer waitsmith version of this card upright, of course, he’s someone in a chariot being led by two Spinkes, one black, one white, and with a town with a moat behind them. Taking a closer look at the chariot, you can see that there’s like a star cloth topper to the chariot itself. And the chariot seems to be made of stone. And a crest is featured in the front, which is a top and what looks like a golden stitch from
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it’s, like a circle with some wings. So the being in the cart wears a crown of stars and armor and on the armor is a square on their chest plate. So the universal keywords of this card reversed are blockages, lack of direction or control and even aggression. Now, when I see this card, it depends on the cards around it, but there are two big talking points that almost always brings up. Sometimes it pops up when we have been so like singularly where we want to go and that we lose our way. You see this all the time in movies, let’s say like the dad is a workaholic and he’s starting to miss all of his good birthdays. Like something huge happens and his life falls apart and he realizes that he’s putting all of his energy, time and direction into this one thing, into his career. And you kind of see this when the car pops up in a negative spot upright, but it forewarns it first. It’s like that tower like moment, a car crash, if you will, where something has happened, where I or my client need to stop what we’re doing and reevaluate our life choices and where we’ve been putting the majority of our energy. The second since where I see this card quite a bit is when we’re going down like our life path and we reach a certain point where we realize we are heading the absolutely wrong direction and we need to take a U turn. I kind of equated with those like those in college realize that’s a major they have been working so hard on was actually not for them. And they go from doing something like business, switching over to the arts, these things happen. And it’s best to do that uturn as fast as possible because it is kind of like driving. If you keep ignoring your GPS to turn around, the longer you’re going to have to drive back to go in the right direction. But yeah. How do you view the car? I’m fully in the exact same boat as you this week. I am in agreement. I view it as a car crash. And then when we talk about things like reevaluating stuff, I always pose the question, if you will, to people of why did we get on this path in the first place? You think of it, the chariot as like being in a race, right? Working towards the finish line and if they’ve completely crashed, to me, it’s always like, okay, so why do we start this in the first place? What was the end goal here? Was it something that was a good choice for us overall, or was this a choice that was good for us in that moment? And so maybe we should reevaluate some stuff and whether or not this is actually something worth putting the chariot in the repair shop and trying again for. Yeah, I agree. And I also can see sometimes it does come up with leaving for the wrong reasons, but that also depends on what’s the cards that are around it, too. Yeah, I agree. I do think that sometimes this card can speak of things like delayed rewards, delayed travels, too, in a real world kind of consequence. But I would always look to the cards around it. Like if it was paired with, let’s say, the eight of wands, I’d be like, well, this is about travel for sure. I couldn’t imagine getting that combo before a trip. I would literally pass away. I know. Especially if you’re going on a plane. I was like, I know. I would cancel the trip. I’d be like, I just remember it literally anywhere else to be. My sac moon would be like, we’re just going to try it. We’ll see where it takes us. It’ll be fine. No, my cancer son would be like, we’re going to die. We’re all going to die. No. I was like, this is one thing that I can’t tell my wife. We’re just going to put those cards away. She goes, how is the reading? How is the reading, Maria? And you go, It was better than I’ve ever had a reading in my life. It was fine. Best reading I ever gotten in my entire life. And I do not want you to ask me to elaborate on that. Just trust me,
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all right? I’m telling your wife.
Participant #1:
So, a little bit of housekeeping this week. Firstly, we are going to talk about love magic today. So we’ll get into that in a moment. But before we get started, there’s a couple of things that we want to announce. First and foremost is I got every single episode of the podcast transcribed via AI. It’s not perfect because it is AI, but Maria and I cannot afford $100 an hour to pay a human transcriber. I wish we could. That’d be amazing. But as it stands right now, it is up it’s Via. I read through most of them. It is pretty legible, I would say. So there’s a little couple of errors here and there, but it’s pretty good. I’m very impressed by it. That being said, it is all on our website. If you go to the website, you can see podcast transcriptions right on the home page as well as one in the menu bar. So if you are somebody who prefers to read through the podcast, or you might be hard of hearing or you just don’t want to listen right now. Whatever.
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This episode will be there, too. It’ll be up at the same time, so there’s that. The second thing is that Maria and I are wanting to do another review, Q and A episode. Now that Spotify has reviews, although they aren’t written reviews, we are going to make that an option for Spotify reviews as well. So if you’ve written a Spotify review, do write a Spotify review or you want to do an Apple podcast review. Either leave it as a question for the review. So, like, you write your review and you write, Why is Robin so beautiful? And then we’ll answer that here. Or you can take a screenshot of the review, like the five stars, like they have on Spotify, and then send it to either our email submissions at coffee and coalgenes’dot. Com, or send it to us via social media, a picture of it, and our next episode will go through and answer as many questions as we possibly can. Yeah, it’ll be fun. During your guys’questions we haven’t done that in over a year, so we thought it would be really fun to do. Yes. Some of the reviews you guys leave are so funny. Like, ten out of ten. I love them. And the other thing I just remembered, I can’t believe I almost forgot it. I just want to do a quick thank you to everybody who showed up for our community status. Did an amazing job on that. Thank you. I appreciate that. It was so calming and so good. For those of you who didn’t make it, I am so sorry we missed you. But for those of you who did come, it was incredible, and it actually put us in a position where we have decided to do monthly meditations on the patreon now, which I think is really fun. So I’m really glad that not only was helpful, but something really cool, I think has come of it. So I don’t know. And to be excited about it, I think it’s pretty fun, actually. So that being said, Maria, my love, why don’t you tell everybody what we’re going to talk about today? So we’re going to talk about love magic. We haven’t talked about love magic in a while. It’s to us, it feels like we probably talked about it last week. I mean, we did talk about sex magic not too long ago, not to be confused with that. We’re just talking about lovey w love magic. But we’re going to talk about what it is, how to do it, why to do it, and all that jazz. So, Robin, what is love magic? What is love magic? What a good question. Well, love magic takes a form of a few different things. So first and foremost, you have the standard love magic that blows up both of our DMs. I think you know it. I know it. We both know it, which is the bring my partner back to me love magic. Or the other side of the coin is this person has no interest in me. Please do some magic to make them have interest in me. I think that’s probably what we could easily say is the most common or well recognized version of love magic. I agree. Yeah. But do I think it’s the most beneficial form of love magic? I don’t personally. Do you? No. I think especially in unhealthy situations, it can actually lead to more heartbreak and more unhealthy mess. I think it just prolongs the heartbreak, honestly. I entirely agree. Yeah. I mean, it sucks. I hate knowing people are hurting and longing for the person that they were with. It’s hard to go through that. Absolutely
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horrible. Yeah. That’s why I decided to no longer do that. Sorry. No longer taking relationship applications. I think that there’s a lot of validity in it. And I know that there are certain traditions that those sort of love spells are so common and normal. They’re normalized, and I think that if they are comfortable doing it, then good for them. Yeah. And happy. If that makes them happy, do it. Yeah. There’s a lot of traditions where things like magnet spells, love spells, attraction spells, breakup spells, all that is super common, and I don’t think there’s anything per se wrong with it. It’s just not something I want to do. I know. I just want everyone to feel better after a break up. I hate when people keep hurting and keep hurting. My question I always pose to people when they ask me about love spells like that is okay, so let’s consider why you guys broke up in the first place. Could be for any number of reasons. Right. Do you think that making them come back to you is going to fix that? Do you know what I mean? On their own, I don’t think that they’re necessarily bad. I have kind of no feeling towards them one way or the other. But I always wonder and pose the question of, is this going to fix the problem? And am I going to see you in three months? Because you want to bring that person back again? Because they’ve left again. Yeah. You know what I mean? Yeah. So I’m not necessarily against them, but I do think that they require a lot of personal reflection before diving into them. Yeah, definitely. So do you do any love magic for yourself? I do. I’ve done love magic for friends as well, actually. The reason I don’t like doing this kind of magic, actually, is because I’m actually very good at it. This is not an endorsement for you to send me messages. I will not do it for you random strangers anyway. But I am really good at it. I’m too good at it, actually. You know how we talked about reversals in a couple of episodes ago and having to like you have to undo something because it went too successfully and it was like a problem. Yeah. So love spells, when those go too successfully and it’s a problem,
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yikes. A lot of it can be really bad. Like super bad unhealthy attachments. It can be restraining order bad. Yeah. The love spell from you got it. What about you? Do you ever do them pre marriage? Like, I would have done a spell to draw matches or anything like that. I did a bunch of set intentions type thing to meet my wife, but it was just like set intentions. It wasn’t like a huge ritual or anything like that. And luckily I met her really early in life. I mean, I still had a bunch of bunch of toads in here, but not necessarily as much as I could have. And then there was also that terrible middle school spell that he did on a crush that works, just not the way that I thought it would. I talked about that. I think I forgot all about that. I am crying. Yeah.
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But now in days, I kind of still cast like, lavish bills for my wife and I just when I want things to be ultra romantic, I usually add a little bit of luck in if we’re going on a trip. And I want things to be excessively, like loving and w. Like, let’s say it’s an anniversary trip. I wanted to go well, I wanted to be lovey w. It’s just kind of like a personal recommitment. Like Sarah monitor. Yeah. I’d be like, I love her and I wanted to keep growing. And all of this is done with her permission, of course. And it’s not that we don’t already love each other. I mean, if my Witchling is here, they’d be like, oh, they’re so gross sometimes to add a little love boost for fun, just like how people still like, go on dates, like with a spouse and get dressed up, like keeping the romance alive. Just a little bit of magic to help it along. Yeah, I really like that actually a lot because I love doing love. So they are fun, but I’m only going to do them for like, me, right? Yeah. So that being said, what would you recommend to somebody instead of doing that kind of spell? If they were willing to kind of have some more options, like self floats, though
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I’m trying to think of the right words here. If you, let’s say, broke up with somebody or somebody broke up with you and you want them back, what would you recommend in that situation instead as an alternative to bring them back to me spell? Honestly, I would recommend shadow work personally and like just using magic to sell suit, take care of yourself, journaling about it and reflecting on what went wrong and why it went wrong, right? Yeah. Just a bunch of self healing and taking care of yourself and allowing and knowing that your feelings are valid. And I also think like doing boundary spells not only for the partner that you broke up with, but boundary spells for yourself. Actually, I think that is a really good thing to bounce off of about boundaries for ourselves. Because sometimes grief and pain makes us do things that so like stupid things where you look back and like why did I do that? Simultaneously. So does loneliness when you haven’t lost somebody but instead you haven’t had somebody around and you’re lonely. Sometimes our brains can play these funny little tricks on us that make us make decisions that aren’t always in our best interest. Yeah, it can ask for unhealthy relationships and being like, well, this is the best that I can get and I’m just going to stay in this unhealthy relationship. Absolutely don’t do that. For me personally, I always recommend that instead of focusing on a singular person for love magic to instead do magic that just draws in something that will fill your cup. Doing spell work, that is just attraction spellwork. I actually really like using this is going to sound fucked up. Okay, listen everyone bear with me. I really like using fly traps for these things. Or like, you know, those wasp traps that are like I’m here for. That sounds amazing. Yeah. You know those wasp traps that you can get? So you get that and you use it like a spell jar. So you put your ingredients inside of the trap itself because the trap in and of itself becomes a symbol. Right. And you use that like a spell jar and I want to do this. And then you put it somewhere that you spend a lot of time. So usually probably like your bedroom window or I don’t know, your office or whatever, right? Yeah. And you put it outside and there’s a way to attract the right kind of person in. Yeah. And I also think after also doing that type of thing, also just doing attraction spells, not just for relationships, but finding something that you’ll really enjoy in the meantime until you’re into another relationship or meet someone. Because I feel like when we are happy and we’re enjoying life even outside of our relationships, it even makes our relationships healthier. Like doing traction spills or things like that. Yeah. No, I totally agree. I know that things like fly traps and wasp traps maybe seem a little counterproductive because they are collecting pests. But think of the humane animal traps, those sorts of things where they aren’t pests. You’re trying to what you could do is you put some cinnamon in it since cinnamon actually gets rid of pests. So maybe you have some cinnamon or like a protective ingredient to keep away the bathroom.
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If you are going to do it, give me more ideas. You are like, I’m jazz, I’m probably going to do this during this whole moon now. But what would you do. Let’s say that you wanted a life partner and you haven’t met your husband or anything yet. Like, what was that ceremony look like for you? Now, we talked about this before. We have talked about this on the podcast before, I did do something like this personally. And for me, it was an open ended kind of annual ritual. I did it once a year until I met my person, where I was really specific about the types of persons, people that I want. I basically wrote a letter to my guys that was about the type of person I wanted to bring into my life. And for me, I’m not saying you can’t do this, but for me personally, it had nothing to do with physical appearance. It had to do with the qualities that I was looking for in a mate. Actually, that’s a lie. I think I did add some appearance things in there. That’s just it. I’m pretty sure I did say that I wanted a tad daddy, and that’s what I got. Reflecting on that in this moment isn’t your thing. You’re welcome. Oh, my. I want to go find those letters. I still have them
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special. I have them in a box. My special box. I have a special box that has all my memories in it. I know I still have at least, like, two of them, but I basically just kept putting out there and like, if I met a partner that was not fulfilling those needs, I was always the dumper. I dumped me too. Right before I met my wife. I was so done with dating that I would like, me too. I would go to date with someone and be like, listen, I know my husband’s episode, so I’m just going to say it and he can just deal with it. When I met him, I was like, this will be a fun hook up, and then I will never talk to him again. Literally, I was like, we’ll just see where this goes. It’ll be fun. But like, my wife, like Wayne’s World moment where he sees her on the stage and he grab the tape to her, that was my wife and my wife to me, it was amazing. That’s how I knew it was different. It was very different. I love that. Yeah. I just got real specific, and that’s what I think people should do as well. Just get specific. Start being really honest and writing out what you need. Yeah. And I think the qualities that we’re looking for in people, they matter. These things matter. One of the things that I wanted was I wanted to be able to grow with my partner. And I would say, especially if you look at our relationship over the last decade, how much we have both grown individually, but also as a couple. And that’s what I wanted. I wanted somebody that yeah, we clicked, but also that continued to develop into something as the years have gone by. Yeah. I think if I wanted to do, like, a commitment type sale, let’s say I have not met my wife, it would have been like a huge ritual. Like, asking for a life partner feels like a very magically, intense thing to ask, you know what I mean? When I do huge rituals or things like that that require energy, I typically take the whole evening to do it and make sure everything is also cosmically aligned as possible. Like doing it like a Libra full moon or when the Venus is in Libra and trying to also align it, maybe on a Friday. And for, like, big rituals, I hide my phone or any distractions and take a nice cleansing ritual bath and wear something that makes me feel, like, really good about myself, like a silky nightground. And as you said, writing things out as descriptive as possible, especially about your life partner. So detailed. Like, we’re talking pages.
Participant #1:
Yeah. And it’s one of those spells where I feel like doing a spell jar because it’s long term would be probably the best go instead of doing, like, a candle spell. But that’s really up to others. And I think it would be really cute to actually also write out a love letter to your future person. Would that be so cute and keep it at your altar? I love that. That’s so romantic. I’m going to divorce my wife and then like that and then meet her again for me.
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Robin oh, how I count the ways. The love letter from Little Rascals. I forgot what I used to be able to say it word for word. I know the one you’re talking about. The deer. Darla. Yeah. Oh, my gosh. Yes. But honestly, at the end of the day, to kind of wrap up the segment, I think that you should do those spells if you want to do them, don’t do them if you don’t want to do them. It’s our advice to keep it more open ended and be willing and open to receive what comes into your life. But that being said, let’s say you do a love spell, an attraction spell, and you’re like, I want to meet girly with blue hair, a septum ring, impeccable sense of style and crocs. Okay. And here I come into your life. Here I go. I’m strolling into your life, right? And all of a sudden, you realize that I’m really loud and I talk about my poop sometimes, and I fart a lot, and you’re like, oh, this isn’t for me, then dump me. I mean, that person not me. I am not dumpable. But just because you’ve done the love spell and on the surface, somebody has shown up, right, that seems to fit those boxes, that doesn’t mean that they’re your twin flame or your soulmate or your person when they’re, like, bothering you with some of the things that they do, overlooking their huge of bad quality. Yeah. I mean, this person has a lot of bad qualities. No, you’re perfect. Thank you. I know that haters. I’m perfect. But also, don’t keep hurting yourself, too. So keep rubbing salt in the wound and trying to cover up a huge injury with a bandaid to be like, come back together. Don’t hurt yourself more. Don’t do it. Exactly. And you’re better than that. You deserve better than that. Yeah. And I guess kind of my point, I guess, of all this is, you know, just go back to whatever your spell was that you done it, whether that was a letter, like Maria suggested, or a wasp trap like I suggested, go back to it. Right. And make some alterations and move forward. Maybe be a little bit more specific. Maybe you need to write down that the blue haired goddess farts too much and you want somebody who farts a normal amount. Maybe that’s what you mean. I don’t know. Goes back, opens up the note. Doesn’t fart a lot. Too much farting,
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please. I feel like a Gossip Girl. Just happens. Go in Stopless. Like, right, the go in green. Oh, my God, that’s so funny. That’s a good idea. You should try that. Let us know how it goes.
Participant #1:
So, Maria, what’s during your cold run this week? Thank you so much for asking. So when the SAG Moon rolled around, I did a spell for travel, and it hasn’t actually manifesting super well. I am SAG Moon, so traveling is very important to me, especially when I’m stressed out into my feelings. It’s not to escape them or not face them, but it’s like a breather, something to look forward to when I’m dealing with life. She’s not escaping her problems everywhere. No, I know. They get worse if you just ignore them. I learned anyway,
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and it’s my version of self care, for sure. We aren’t going anywhere. Like super bananas or anything like that. It’s just like little crazy guys, little small mini trips within driving distance. And it’s just like I’m really looking forward to it, and it’s something that I can keep going each day doing the hard stuff, and I’m, like, looking forward to it. And I’m, like, really appreciative that the SAG Moon spell is coming through. I love that. Makes me very happy. You’re going to need to give that to me so that way I can do some travel as well. You’re going to eventually be in a place where you can travel and go see amazing things. I know. Well, I would like to get that first travel out of the way. Fair.
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To see all the family photos that you only can see. Because I don’t share family photos. I’m very special. Nobody else can see them, but I get to see them and I enjoy them.
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So, Robin, what is not stirring your cauldron suite? Thank you so much for asking. No problem. I have burnout, like, pretty. Bad, actually. I am sure my cold run this week is burnout. I’m feeling super burnt out. Not as a witch at all. Just everybody knows that I’ve got a lot going on in my personal life. I have a lot going on in my professional life. Listen, I’m not a video person. Like, for the funny little videos. I am not good at them. I mean, I’m okay at them, but I’m not great at them.
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They don’t pull my chariot. You do really cute ones. I like them. Thank you. I appreciate that, but I hate them. I prefer doing photos. That’s what I enjoy. I enjoy visual art. And also, I am witty, hilarious, and clever at all times. I’m also not a comedian, and so coming up with these hilarious things at all times is actually difficult. And we had some situations happen in the community a few months back that I’m still not recovered from. I feel like it really took the wind out of my sales and hurt, and I’m still feeling pretty shitty about that. And then on top of that, we’ve got all this crazy shenanigans happening in the government, and that’s just like I just feel like it’s one thing after another, and I’m burned out. I’m exhausted. I’m like, all right, when is the good news? Now. Yeah. I think everyone can relate to you right now. I feel like everyone’s like, what the fuck? Yeah. I’m so sorry. I don’t even want to do anything. I just want to lay on the floor and just be still. Yeah. My little tweet about the yoga and my favorite part was being dead at the end. Yeah. That was not a joke. I like to pretend I’m dead. So what, you’re like, I’m just going to lay here? I’m going other places. Don’t talk to me.
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Yeah. I’m just really burnt out, and obviously I’ll get over it. I feel like changes are coming really soon, and I’ll be totally fine. Yeah. I’ve been trying to implement meditation into my life again to help with some of the anxiety that I’ve been having.
Participant #1:
Yeah. Burnt out. I’m so sorry. I’m like, thank you. Something that a lot of people don’t realize I know Maria knows it. But something that a lot of people don’t realize is that when you kind of get into this sort of little position of being Internet. Which other people that you really looked up to or idolized or whatever you want to call it in the past. You kind of get to know them as actual people and not just. Like. The words they’ve written in books or whatever. And you’re just like. Oh. You actually kind of suck. You know what I mean? I know you know what I’m talking about. Like. You’ll get to know somebody that you really love. Something of theirs that they did. And then you’re like. I feel like that’s happened a lot this last year in total. At least for me where I am learning about all these people that I really looked up to or idolized or just really have historically been inspired by whatever and finding out that they’re actually like. Really crappy people and that has sucked. Their work is still amazing. Of course. That’s why it’s a general statement, but that also adds to the burnout feeling just like the disappointment over and over again of like, people. And I’m just like, okay, that’s cool. I’m cool with that, actually. Thank you so much for asking. So it is what it is. That’s not starting my cold win this week. It’ll get better. Like I said, I really think that there’s like a big change coming soon. There always is when things are the worst. I feel like cycle of things being kind of shitty and I feel like the shift is coming really soon, so I’m not worried about it. It is something that is not stirring my cold room this week.
Participant #1:
This week, every single week we talk about creators that we are loving right now. This could be shops, Instagram, books, arts accounts, anything that we want. So that being said, Maria, madam, my angel, who are you loving this week? So I’m loving a book that is coming out, hasn’t come out yet. That’s by Claire Good, child of black in the moon on Instagram. And I’m pretty sure all social media, it’s the book of Seances, and it’s going to be for diving into a purposes like tarot spreads and stuff like that, to talk to spirits and everything Claire does is so amazing and so beautiful. Yes, I do want all of those oracle decks. She’s releasing the ancestor one. Like, yes, please. But I’m really excited about this book as well because it looks really good and I want it. So who you’ve been loving or what you’ve been loving? Listen, we all know that I’m a Halloween slut and the Halloween Michaels roll out has like, begun. I don’t know if you’ve seen it yet. They haven’t put out that much stuff yet. They’ve done like a soft launch. Their full lineup isn’t out yet, but they’ve got a bunch of little ghost things here and there, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. But okay, freeze. We’ve got a Beetlejuice steam that’s had like, stuff. They got Beetlejuice stuff. They have the snake and Beetlejuice. They have a car buddy, which is an inflatable. You know, like the lawn ornament inflatables. Yeah, it’s like the people who buckle in the skeletons into a car, separate the snakes. Amazing. I want it. So cool. So I’m just getting excited about that. I love Halloween. I know that we just had summer, so if a blond, tall, shirtless man is listening to this, it goes it’s summer will be starting. Shut up, Don. Nobody’s asking you. Like no. As soon as August rolls around, things start coming out. Not only that, but I made a really big mistake last year. It was my first year with the child. I didn’t realize how quickly things sell out. I did not realize that if you want to get matching Halloween bean pajamas, you got to get them the week that they come out. No worries. As soon as October starts, they start putting out Christmas stuff, and it’s like, right. So my ass has learned its lesson, and I’ve been on it this year. I’ve been looking at everything. Last year, I didn’t get the blanket I wanted from home, and I literally cried about it. It was very sad, very pathetic. Shut up again. Yeah. I’m so excited about it, and I think I’m on it, and I’m like, they’ve already started the soft launch. That means the other stuff is coming soon, too, around August. That’s when my wife and I go start hunting at stores, usually. But I’ve been on it this year. I’ve been looking at such a bad time last year that I was like, Never again. You just had a baby. Right? I just had a baby in the Super Hormonal, which is why I was crying over a blanket, which is fine and normal, actually. No, actually, that’s fair. Thank you. It was a really cute blanket.
Participant #1:
Thank you all so much for joining us today. We hope that we will see you again on Friday, July 22, for our 13th episode of season three. Or you can catch us on the in between. Maybe our coffee talk. We’ll see.
Participant #1:
Yeah. As soon as things settle down, we’ll start coffee. Yes, we will. There’s a lot going on right now. There is. That being said, as a reminder, go ahead and leave us a review with a question on Apple podcast. Or take a screenshot of the review that you left us and send us a question as submissions at copying. Cauldronscom or via our DMs on Instagram or Twitter. Yeah, on the copy and cauldrons pod like things, because mine are actually shut down, so I can’t see it. Yes, social media is not ours directly. You can keep an eye out on our Instagram or Twitter, or you can follow us on our website, which is, to find all of our social medias. Or even better, you can join us on our discord here, which is First Covenant on Patreon. So we can answer, like, different questions in our part two next time. Yes. And if you’ve been loving coughing cauldrons just to restate, please take a moment to review us on Apple podcast. We definitely appreciate it. We love reading you guys things, especially the funny ones. We do. You’ll even get to hear our lovely, sexy, sensual voices for an additional 30 ish minute episode for being on the Patreon tier. Casting and up. So again, this is coffee and coultrons with Robin from at a Tired Witch on Instagram. And I’m Maria from Instagram. All right, you ready? Yeah.