Participant #1:
Hello. Hello, sexy people. Welcome to episode four of season three. If you have just joined us, I am Robin of at, a Tired, which on Instagram. And I’m with the beautiful, full, sexy, sensual, just twelve out of ten gal, maria from Maria the Arcane on Instagram. Hello. Hi, man. Thank you so much for having me.
Participant #1:
I’m going to have you wake me up in the morning and just say that, you know what? I should be your alarm. You should be one of those alarms that you can put your own ring tone over and it’ll just be going, time to wake up, Maria. My wife has an alarm like that. I hate it. Well, sorry, she
Participant #1:
I like to be awoken by chimes and some people. Sorry. No. This will be your intro. You’re ready? This will be your wake up line. Maria, it’s the morning. Time to get in the center. Is that better? Yes, that’s so much better. Ten l ten.
Participant #1:
If you have just joined us this week, every single week, we talk about upcoming lunar phases and how we can use them magically. That being said, ominous. Thank you. It’s very ominous. That was the goal. I’m glad that I’m like putting out when I’m trying to catch what I’m putting out, you know what I’m saying? I know that expressions are not my strong suit. Just don’t worry about it. Anyway, it’s fine. It’s really what I’m trying to say. Now I’ve got you saying so magically. I just get it. I just say it so you say it. I’m sorry. Good. I’m starting a revolution. Okay. Reclaiming it. I’m going to make a big white sign, like a banner, and the banner is just going to say, Live, laugh, love.
Participant #1:
Okay. Anyway, back to what anyone cares about, which is not Live, laugh, love. Our nearest full moon that we have coming up is the Virgo Full Moon. Well, the nearest lunar phase that we have coming up is the Virgo Full Moon, which is on March 18. In terms of how we can utilize the Virgo Full moon, this is a really good time to get stuff done. Virgos rule, work, productivity, tasks, chores, organizations, schedules and order. This is a good time to focus on spellwork that essentially puts you in the driver’s seat of getting shit done. Full moons are one of full potential. I know we’ve talked about this a bunch. You can kind of hone in on that energy for whatever you want. And when we’re focusing on it, when it comes to organization and productivity, you might be looking at things like getting a promotion or any kind of job related magic. Because you get things like a job or promotion, quite frankly, you have to put in the time, the work, and the routine. The job is not going to find you. I know. We’re also going to look at things like cultivating healthy habits, etc. And so if you’re going to be doing some work that potentially is going to bring in motivation for yourself or giving yourself a brand new routine for your life and you just kind of need that little extra push of focus. This would be a good time to do spellwork for that. The only problem is that we might want to be aware of in terms of the kind of spell work, not necessarily to avoid, but just to be aware of, is that virgo full moons, we can tend to push ourselves to a point of feeling very overwhelmed. So when we are doing spellwork that is focusing on things like our schedule, our order, our organization, et cetera, make sure that you’re doing it in a way that is realistic and not trying to bite off more than you can chew. Otherwise you might be very regretful and overwhelmed and we don’t want to see that happen. So, yes, focus on healthy habits. Yes, focus on spell work with organization and motivation, but keep it doable and realistic. Yeah, I definitely agree on our patreon. We have like a monthly outlook sort of thing where I go into the moon phases and what to expect in some spell work. I think working on plans and stuff like that and working with spellwork relating to plans being fulfilled would be very good this month. Like maybe doing a spa jar where you put your plans into a jar and you put correspondences like herbs that correspond to that and then also like success herbs like cinnamon chamomile or things like that. But that was one of the things that I mentioned on it and I think, yeah, just been working to make it. So pretty. Thank you. Pretty messed up if I’m being honest. I want my articles to look that nice. Everybody can tell when it’s one of my articles versus one of yours. I’m like, here’s the information and you’re like, and here’s the information, but done. So aesthetically pleasing. Look, if I have a chance to be creative, I’m going to go all in. Oh, yeah, it’s definitely not my egg. You did such a good job. It’s so beautiful. You’ve done such an amazing job. It’s just so funny to me because every single time you do it, I’m like, well, everyone knows which one’s Maria and which one’s mine. Mine is five paragraphs of straight information and yours is like, yeah, it’s a lot of information, but look how pretty I can do it. Look, I stress myself out in the process. So is it worth it? I don’t know. Maybe not, but I have to do it.
Participant #1:
Jeez. Thanks, mom. No problem, honey.
Participant #1:
So if you just started listening to us, every podcast we talk about a random tarot card. We go over the universal meaning and then our own interpretations of the cards. Hearing others opinions helps beginners form their own opinions or even those who have been practicing for a while, expand their views on other meanings. So this week we’re talking about death reversed. We actually spoke about this card upright in a previous episode. So I thought, especially with today’s topic, we should bring it up and see what it means to us reversed. So there is a lot to say about what we see on this card. So bear with me. On this card, when it’s upright, you’ll see death on a horse. You’ll note that death is wearing black armor while the horse is white, showing the balance of life. The horse also represents movement towards new beginnings. Death carries a flag with a flower on it. And as we know, when things die and feed the Earth, that things die and feed the earth in order for new things to grow. Under the horse, you’ll see a fallen king without a crown, which shows to me an exchange of power and how no one can stop death or transformation. A bishop stands in front of death. This can show enlightenment or even the spiritual gain of death and transformation. And the two other beings on this card are kneeling before death. And unlike the king, they are choosing to accept the change. Last but not least, you’ll see a familiar scene in the background of the card. The towers from the moon card are represented here and the sun shines over them rather than the moon. So everything now is illuminated by the sun. And this to me represents the finally finding our path forward. The keywords to this card, reverse, shows resistance to change, lack of movement and refusing transformation. Okay, so when this card comes up reverse for me and readings, it shows that someone is holding tightly to what once was. It is similar to the Eight of Cups, upright or reversed. But there’s no chance of coming back or trying to be ignorant of the change we need to make because it’s greatly affecting our lives and paths. This is because clinging to the past especially is no longer serving us, keeps us stagnant, keeps us from getting closer to our highest version of sales. I see this often in situations of like generational curses, staying in bad relationships, or even when we don’t put energy into the things that we want to create for ourselves in our life. But it isn’t just limited to those situations, it’s different for everyone. But looking transformation in the face can be scary. Just like looking at death in the face, it requires a morning process and inner work. And I find that though when we finally follow through with the hard stuff, everything comes into focus. We find that we do have a clear path forward, which is represented in the towers in the background with the sun illuminated them on the card. Most of us will never achieve our highest versions of self in this lifetime, but when we accept death and transformation, we get closer to that. And when this card is upright, it becomes a level up card. And as I said earlier, when we get closer to our highest version of Sell 1 second and as I said earlier, we get higher version of self when we choose to level up rather than remain stagnant. I see death reverse paired with the Tower card a lot when the universe and spirit says it’s time for change. And you better believe that they’re going to do everything within their power to turn your world upside down to make you see it, that you need to accept this change in transformation. So how do you view this card? Robin Deer I hate this card. I’m getting straight up honest with you. I fucking hate this card. Typically, it’s such a call out for me that I need to let something go, and I’m refusing to do that.
Participant #1:
I often see this card come up in times when it is an idea or person or similar that I’m obsessing over when somebody wrongs you or not. In my particular case recently at least. But in general, you get broken up with and you’re just still checking their social media and you’re worried about what they’re doing, and it’s like this card comes up and goes, Let it go. It’s such a call out for me. This chapter of your life, this situation is over. You’re holding on to it. You need to let it go. Like you said, it can be scary. It can be this lack of control or the loss of the situation both emotionally and physically, and yet we’re still sad here going, but I want to see if they’re checking my Instagram stories or you know what I mean. It’s such a call out for me, and I hate it because I am actually flawless, perfect, and wonderful in every way, and I do not deserve to be called out in such a way.
Participant #1:
I hate how dare you. So, yeah, I really hate this card for that reason. It really sucks. I don’t like seeing it. I don’t like feeling so intact. I am a baby and fragile. That’s why you only own one deck and a bunch of Oracle cards. I mean, I don’t even think I own a whole deck. I think I only own half of a deck.
Participant #1:
I am the child. For the record, I have not gotten a new deck in a really long time. Just for the record. What? I know. Who is she? Well, I’ve made it really clear to people that I’m trying to move and I don’t want to take on anything new. I know I still need to give you your gift, all your winter’s Holste’s gift. I’ve been waiting for you to get over there so I can send it to you soon.
Participant #1:
Yeah, I hate this card. I feel like it should be removed from my line of vision. I think as soon as I see that card come out, I’m like, all right, enough is enough here. All right, calm down. You’re being very loud. I’m just going to put this back and no one sees it. I think that I should shuffle again and see what else comes up.
Participant #1:
So it’s been a really hot topic in our discord because a few members took a class on it and they were chatting. So we thought today we would talk about said hot topic, which is death. Death is a concept, death in magic. And just the general, I don’t know, a general overview of death, as it were. It’s just been a really hot topic in the discord and it brought up a really great conversation, in my opinion, within that. And people started talking about their experiences and their ideas of death and death and magic. And so Maria and I thought, let’s talk about that today. As a lot of you guys know, I specifically work with death in my practice. Maybe you don’t know that. I think I talk about that enough, right? I think so. Maybe I don’t know. Maybe I don’t. Let me know, guys, if this is the first time you’re hearing about it. Hi, my name is Robin. I work with death. That’s like what I do in terms of witchcraft. I work with spirits, I work with La Santa Marte. I work with death. Death is a concept. Death is a literal all of it. Death is for the living after all. And so today we’re going to talk about that. And that being said, Maria, what does death mean to you in regards to magic? So when you asked me about if we should like talk about this topic, I was so worried, like I would have much to say that was like such a small cog, my practice, but it is an important one that I use more often than at the surface. I immediately thought. I think that is the same for many witches. For some it is a huge part, while others for me, I know it’s a part of a larger working, which is why so many people don’t bring it up too often. And I think people also have strong opinions when it comes to death magic, since we all have different ways of working with it. But just like the death card is just part of a huge process in so many parts that is involved in so many parts of our lives, which definitely extends our practices as well. But for me specifically, I work with transformative magic, which I do consider death, because in order to transform, part of us sometimes has to die, like to be left in the past, if that makes sense. And I also work with a couple of goddesses that deal with death. And I also work with spirits and do spirit communication and I involve spirits also in my craft and things like that. So how about you? Well, for me, I know that you and I have talked about this a bunch privately. I know that I haven’t talked about this part so much on the podcast or even on my blog. But for me, death, it is an inevitable and a constant in everyone’s life. Using it in the respective transformation magic, just like you said, I think is really important to recognize because in my opinion, aside from our bodies physically dying, I feel like metaphorically, we all die multiple times in our life. I know that. Like, for example, I died the day that my child was born. The old me is not there anymore. There’s a new version of Robin that exists now, and I am not that person than I was before. And while that is a scary concept and a scary idea, it is true I died the day that I became a mother and I was reborn this new person. Sometimes we die because of traumas that happen to us. Sometimes that we die because of incredible things that happen to us. But either way, we still have these massive transformations that come in our life. And I think that the sooner we’re able to recognize that and embrace it as like a constant, a part of our lives, the quick is kind of like the will of fortune in tarot, like eggs and clothes. It essentially puts us in a position where we can kind of move forward with knowledge. And knowledge is power, right? Yes. I also work with spirits, like we have discussed, and we’ll get kind of more into that later. But there is a lot, I believe, of practice and prayer and dedication that comes with working with spirits. Because these are people right now. They might not be in their physical self form anymore, but that isn’t to say that they aren’t still people. And in my practice, like I said, I work with Santa Marte and Santa Marte. The big concept of all of it is that death comes for us all in the end, we’re all equal. We can all ask for whatever we want because quite frankly, it doesn’t matter. We all die at the end of the day. And in that, it kind of gives us all this very even playing field, if that makes sense. I don’t know. I think for me, the idea of death being far less of a scary concept and instead far more of an accepted reality that we can then work with and work in. Knowing, if you will. Yeah,
Participant #1:
exactly. Death is such a big part of everyday life. I mean, even in nature, when things die in rot and decay, it feeds our earth so a new life can form. It’s a necessary cycle that without it, we would have flowers in the spring, fertile soil, and as many of us wish to be immortal and live like thousands of years old springs, new generations, new ideas and new achievements. Like a cancer thing, because my wife is the same way. Listen, I will never stop. She really isn’t just a huge necessary thing in life. But also speaking of nature, a lot of plants and our fungus is considered a plant, I think so right? Fungus, fungi, I don’t know if that’s considered a plant or if it’s own special thing. Listen guys, but I’m not certain if they’re fungus are considered plants or apple plants and fungi also have a lot to do with death. Like you said, you have that cycle kind of a living thing, decay, it becomes rot, it becomes decay. But then that decay feeds things around it whether by an animal eating that dead creature or by nature taking it back and becoming fertilizer. But even if an animal eats it, it then goes through the body system, it gets pooped out that becomes fertilizer as well and it’s all becoming this one large circle. Right? And then simultaneously we have things like plants and fungi that become literal representations and metaphorical representations of death. I mean sake of persephone. We have the pomegranate, right? Which is a symbol of death, a repeating symbol of death. We have things like accepting transformation. Absolutely. We have cultural I want to say practices but I don’t mean in the magical sense. I mean in kind of like the cultural ritual of things such as funerary wreaths and plants you put out on somebody’s grave. Do you know what I’m talking about? Symbolic gesture of death as well. So somehow someone has died and yet we are planting a rose bush, if you will. Or I don’t know about you guys, but I’ve had loved ones die and we go and plant a tree for them or we plant a bush, rose bush or similar like a tree or something. Yeah, we’ve lost someone and yet we are doing this kind of rebirth, symbolically if you will. I love that. Yeah. So how do you use death and spa work? That’s a good question. I think it’s really a good question. But it’s complicated. So first of all, for me, things like offerings are really big part of my practice. Witchcraft is ultimately a craft, right? I know that there’s been a lot of internet discourse around like quote, armchair witches. I’m not going to get into that. However somebody self identifies is really not my business. But ultimately for me a huge part of my craft actually has way more to do with things like offerings and building a relationship and not always doing spellwork. I do spell work, not that often. I probably do it maybe once a week. For me it’s much more about building that relationship with offerings, communication and a relationship, if you will. So I do things regarding death that are very simple. Keeping out fresh water on my altar for the spirits, lighting incense for my spirits and keeping a candle or lantern going for them. But then I also do a lot of things that are physical. So I take care of gravestones forgotten, the forgotten dead. So these are people that passed away long enough ago that there are no living people to tend to their graves anymore. But not so long ago that we’re talking about like, ancient civilizations. Like, I’m not an archeologist, but I do stuff like that. I surely Indiana Jones, if you will. I’m literally Indiana Jones, guys. I am Harrison Born,
Participant #1:
but I’ll do things like you’re fine. Maintaining forgotten grade. I actually got my mom into it at one point, and her and I would take care of these graves that we found that were kind of forgotten in the woods and there was a maintenance thing. And it’s really important to me that’s a really, really important part of my practice is kind of helping and taking care of the forgotten dead. And then we have this sort of relationship and then just as one might call to, like a deity, for example, I call to spirits and I ask them to aid and assist me in my magic. What about you? So I’m much like you on the offerings front, I have at my kitchen altar, which to me, I used to have my family altar, which was I considered my heart and my home. But as I’ve moved through my practice, I realized my kitchen is my heart and my home. And I realized that a bunch of the spirits that I was connecting with, that’s where we gathered, like in the kitchen, and we would cook together, we would talk and we would cry. It was our place. So now I like to leave my offerings at my kitchen for all the spirits that connect with me. And it’s our place to revisit that feeling of when they were alive. At least that’s how it was in my family, the whole kitchen thing. But that’s also the place where any spirit that is not necessarily related to me that I leave offerings and stuff at. But I try to do that well. I have been doing it daily. I’ve actually been keeping up with it. So I’m very proud of myself for keeping up with it,
Participant #1:
just like you with spell work. Before I do spell work, I always ask my guides and spirits to lend me a hand and also the deities I’m working with. But I do make sure to ask any spirits who are watching over me to let me hand in my spell work. And that’s why I think it’s so important to leave offerings of like, thinks and stuff like that at my altar daily because they help me all the time, not just for spell work, but other than that. And when it comes to transformation, I do rot jars, burning rituals, and I even consider shadow work. Working with death
Participant #1:
row jars are basically like compost jars with a magical purpose. I consider what I need to rot and decay that will feed a fresh new start or a new beginning. The important things with these drawers is that you use all organic or compostable material. Like if you’re writing something out, you need to use unbleached natural paper and nontoxic ink. I try to correspond with the natural ingredients to what my intention is. Like for instance, let’s say you are in college and the major you’re shooting for is not what you want anymore. So you’re changing directions. Like I would add an apple to the jar for knowledge. Like you’re changing where you’re directing your knowledge. But I find raw jars like a great depiction of death and new beginnings. And the same with shadow work. Because when we do shadow work, just as you said at the beginning of this discussion, is that we die all the time, like part of us dies. And I think shadow work helps us move through that where we accept endings and make changes, where we need to make changes. So I try to do like shadow work every single dark moon or whenever, when I feel called to do it. Because sometimes shadow work doesn’t align with just the dark moon. Yeah, that’s how I personally work with that. I think a lot of people do death work, if you will, or magic that deals with death without even realizing it a lot of the time. I think it’s something that we sometimes accidentally find ourselves in dealing with without necessarily making it a purposeful thing. I actually have found in my life, I’ve spent probably the last decade working towards doing more sorts of magic that protects me from the dead, if you will. Because if you start working with spirits, you’ll find that they just show up all the time, even when you don’t want them there. Don’t know about that. Yeah, I don’t know about that at all. Yes, she does. It’s something that will come up quite frankly, frequently, and especially if you’re somebody who’s maybe naturally sensitive, I guess you could say, towards that sort of thing. You know that I don’t like the term like natural. I was a bored witch. But I do think that people are maybe more open to or sensitive towards different things, right. Which are not necessarily witchcraft related. For example, you have people that are psychic mediums that are not witches. And I think that that is a really big misnomer that because you are somebody who believes in or talks with the dead that you are somehow spiritual. And that is not always the case. And it’s a really big misnomer. I know that in my life I talk with the dead. I see the dead, if you will. Sometimes I wish I didn’t. And I think that, at least for me and my own personal practice, I have used a lot of witchcraft to kind of find the balance between talking with and seeing the dead when I want to versus when I do not want to. Does that make sense? Yeah, definitely. I think boundaries are so important and learning
Participant #1:
half the time why are you here? What do you want? And then they just leave, and you’re like, Okay, all right. Thank you. Thanks for passing through. Thank you so much. I appreciate why are you here? That’s when our guards are down, we don’t have that conscious barrier. That is where the term witching hour comes from. Did you know that? Yes. It depends on different schools of thought as to when the witching hour is. But the idea originated from the medieval period, because it was the only time of day that there wasn’t somebody actively praying was the thought, because everyone’s asleep. And that’s when the devils could come out to play.
Participant #1:
Yeah. I think when we’re at our most relaxed, that’s why sometimes we can see them during the day and sometimes why we can’t see them during the day is when we’re at our most relaxed. Then we are like, we’re paying attention more and we can start to see things. But when we’re stressed out and stuff like that, which a lot of us are more now in days that we don’t see them as often. Does that make sense? It does. It really does. No, go ahead. Sorry, go ahead. I just want to ask you about the spirits or deities that you work with. So I specifically work with Santa Marte. I’m sure people have seen my altar and her presence being there. She is the holy dead. There’s a lot of whitewashed misconceptions, I guess you could say about her. Ultimately, she is deaf, man. She comes for us, and she is what’s the word? Unapologetic, I guess, is the word you can say she’s the patron saint of narcos and the forgotten because she’s the great equalizer. I think that there is a lot of this kind of modern, and by modern, I mean the last few years misconception that she isn’t something to be necessarily afraid of because anyone can work with her and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. But in reality, she is neutral ground. She is the great equalizer, you know what I’m saying? Which means while it can be beautiful and it can be incredible, simultaneously, it is unapologetic, and she will always say yes, and that is great. That is also really fucking scary, because that means that she will also say yes to the things that maybe you could not aren’t necessarily good for you. Yeah. Or good in general, you know what I’m saying? Like death and death magic is great if you kind of use it responsibly, in my opinion. And I think that there’s been this big movement recently of something worthy not being so scary, and it’s like, no, she’s terrifying, beautiful, incredible, amazing.
Participant #1:
I don’t know the words I’m looking for here, but it is incredible, and it is also something to not take lightly, if that makes sense. Yeah. And I think if you have a fear of those sort of things, it’s probably for a reason, and we should respect that you honor it. What about you? Yeah, so the main goddesses I work with in my practice right now are Jacquete and Persephone, and they both deal with death in their own way. Hekate is the goddess of the liminal in between and the crossroads. There are a few ways of working with her in regards to that. When we are stuck or lost, when it comes to our own transformation, we can call upon her to show us the right way of moving forward or even to help us move forward on a path that we know we need to take. In regards to spirits, I find that she is great with helping with trap spirits who don’t know exactly how to move forward, especially those who are hurting, who have gone through something traumatic. I think she’s a great goddess for like, nurses or those who work in funeral homes or anything that really relates to ushering people to the other side. The work that you do only strengthens your relationship with her and could even be considered an offering. As for Persephone, not only is she the Goddess of Spring, but she is the Goddess of death. She represents that important duality that we were talking about, about life and death and how they’re both part of us. She helps us find the beauty in transformation and the importance of dealing like, with the hard stuff, our shadow cells, in order to blossom and grow. Persephone also brings up about how owning our sexuality can be hugely transformative experience. It is part of like the journey from adolescence to adulthood. As you said at the beginning of podcast, that death. And while you may not equate sex to death, it’s part of the cycle of life. It is about leaving our old self behind. I mean, the French call orgasms, like la petit more. I think I said that wrong, but love petit more. But anyways, which means little death due to the transformative and renewing and even limitable experience. That is one of the reasons I like to work with Persephone for sex magic. Like after you feel reborn and even that energy can be used to unblock your path and put energy towards growth. When it comes to spirits, I call upon her to watch, like, over loved ones who I know who have passed and went to the other side. But yeah, that’s how the offices I work with. I love that though. So kind of, I guess, closing segment. A closing a little bit for this segment. I would be really interested to hearing what our listeners, what they believe in regards to death. What is your take on death, as it were? And I’m going to open up a poll on Spotify because I would like to hear what people have their opinions on death. Does it matter to you? Is this a part of your practice? I mean, I’m sure it matters to you. Death matters all of us to some varying degree, but is it a part of your practice? And if so, what does that look like? I think Maria and I would both be really interested in hearing that. Yeah. Especially there’s so many different ways to work with death, and everyone does it so uniquely and very interested in. Maybe we can share some of these answers on social media, obviously with privacy in the future. So we would really like to hear that, you guys. We’d like to hear what your take and your opinions are on this. Or you can email us and we can kind of share it from there. It’s your decision, of course. Yeah. I’m glad we got to talk about this. You know how important this is to me. Yes. I enjoyed it.
Participant #1:
So, Robin, what is stirring you’re a culture in this week? You made me laugh and I completely broke character. I’m so sorry. Would you like to have a very horny tattoo? Yes.
Participant #1:
So, Robin, what is stirring your call during this week? I’m so glad that you asked. Thank you. You’re so welcome. Basically, right now, what’s during my cauldron is when magic works and just spell work in general and like, how horny I am for that. So essentially, I did a run double run spell candle a couple of weeks back based off of some situations that were going on behind the scenes, like in my private life that was making me have an aneurysm. And I posted on social media my rendezvous run candle was like, jet fucking black. Like jet black. And if you know anything about candle work, that kind of prayer candle spell work when they are jet black like that, basically there is things that are blocking you from this spell being successful. There’s just too many things in your way. 1 second. I’ll make a note real quick, just so people know. Let’s say that your candle is not black the entire time. If you have crystals or, like, herbs just sitting at the bottom and it’s just burning. Absolutely.
Participant #1:
Candle was only very lightly dressed with oil in the beginning, and that was it. So just to go off what Maria saying, that kind of black glass is an indicator of that. There was nothing else in the candle but literally, like, three drops of oil. So I was like, great. Especially considering what was going on, was essentially there was a person that is obsessed with me. Very sad for them. They could do better with obsessions, who essentially was, like, being really toxic and unkind, and it was just psycho. So I was like, great. So I did a triple reversal spell, just basically it’s not texting anyone, but it is just sending back essentially whatever was sent in my direction. And this candle is burning. So sexy, so clear. The smallest amount at the top of the glass at the very beginning, and it has been nothing but clean, pristine burning since then. So love to see it. Excited to see how that’s going to unfold. I have a pretty good idea of why my last candle was, like, pure black. But I am excited because I feel like there’s a little bit more that was going on there than maybe I realized. And I’m just excited to see how that kind of manifests remember that sometimes, guys, people didn’t hex you. They just sent you back whenever you sent their way. And it’s not any deeper than that. So just be nice. Be a kind person. Don’t go out there doing bad magic if you can’t handle the heat when it comes back at you. So I just think that’s really sexy and hot and beautiful, and I am very excited about it. We love our seven day candles at work. Yes, we do. So horny for it. It’s like I can’t even put it into words live.
Participant #1:
Especially when spell work. You do the spell, and then you see immediate results. You’re like, Oh, yes. Listen, all I’m going to say is, when I started the Run Devil, Run Candle, okay? A person who I thought was maybe involved with immediately lost a whole bunch of shit going on in their life. And I was just like, Yikes, yikes. Okay, there’s a lot happening here to unpack, but all right, friend. Again, not hexaging or firsting, anybody. Just sending back, returning to sender, if you will. I love it. Twelve out of ten. Anyway, that’s during my cauldron this week. Just being the most sexy of bitches.
Participant #1:
So Maria stirring her cold during this week, let me tell you. We may or may not have talked about this before. I’m sure that we have, but I don’t know just how people judge other people’s practices by what they see online and by what others post online. I think it’s important to know that when someone posts, they’re only posting the tip of the iceberg, even if it’s just like what they are practicing or even the information that they are giving. Like, someone can’t write an entire book and post it into their captions or anything like that. And I think that’s important because a lot of people would be like, you left this out, or you did this. And it’s like wiki online creators do not have when we don’t have the space to write out all that stuff, and we’re giving what we think is important to share at the time. It’s not that we’re uneducated about the subject. It’s just that sorry. But even if we are uneducated about a subject, it is literally impossible to put the expectation out there that creators are educated in all things at all times. And if you think that a creator has done something wrong, instead of being like, can you believe, why don’t you correct them in a helpful way? Yeah. And this is not about being right or wrong. Like, if someone’s doing something super inappropriate, of course, call them out. But I also think it’s inappropriate to call out someone being like, well, you didn’t do this. Or like, I think it’s great to offer more information on your own page about a certain subject. You’re like, Oh, well, they left us out. Maybe I should write it here. I think it’s just when we write towards someone else, like, the whole what about ism to add more. I don’t know, it just feels so inappropriate and kind of like snarky and pretentious to be like, Well, I know more than you, so here you go. And I just think if people put the energy towards their own stuff, I think that would save so much. Like, which craft community related drama, in my opinion. I also think, too, that there also is this big pressure on creators to always take into account every single person’s path and then educate from that perspective instead of educating from our own perspective, if that makes sense. Exactly. Not to condone appropriate behavior. That’s not what I’m trying to say. For example, I don’t care about the three fold fucking law. I don’t care about it at all. Why would I? I’m not a wicked. And I think it’s also been taken massively out of context. Anyway, that doesn’t matter, so why would I? I am not about do is thou will and yet harm none or whatever. I don’t give a shit about that. Why should I? Yeah, I think people forget that all magical practices look different. Like, your correspondence to something might not be the same as someone else’s, but it doesn’t mean that other person is wrong. Right. And I think we need to take that into consideration before we start calling. Like, I’m so sick of people calling out other people on social media. And it’s like, honestly, it makes that person look like a giant, like, dickhead.
Participant #1:
I don’t know. I just wish people would be more kind to one another. And if you’re going to educate and you don’t think something was representative, was representative in someone else’s work, then maybe you should take it upon yourself to take up the reins and do it yourself. Not call off the person, not be a butthead, but to be like, well, here’s my information on the subject, while not calling that person out. But that way we all learn, and we learn from each other, and we take in those unique views. That what people have to offer. Yeah, I just think that everyone has an opinion and everyone wants to be loud with their opinion, and I think that causes a lot of animosity in the community. But yeah. What’s that expression? Like assholes? Yeah, everyone has one.
Participant #1:
If you have just joined us this week, every single week, we talk about creators that we are loving right now. These are organic and natural. Organic. Free range. Free range. These are cage free signs, guys. These are fine. That Maria and I have found that we are just liking and vibing with these are not sponsored posts. Don’t fucking stop messaging us to be on the podcast. It’s so annoying. It’s really annoying because I feel like we talk about it every time. Anyway, it doesn’t matter. It’s fine. I don’t care how much you don’t listen. So they don’t know. Yeah, I know.
Participant #1:
What creator are you loving right now? My love. So I’m loving. Her handle is Kate below on Instagram, and she’s part of the Teamed Wild Team and she does a podcast with them too. But I want to talk about her word, which rituals and stuff like that, she does. So as some of you know, I’m really into Word witchery. I love using words of power, writing out spells as like, spells of their own. And that’s what Kate does, is that she teaches you how to do that, how to use writing as a form of spellwork. Her newsletter that she has gives you a prompt to do and things like that. I find myself really interesting, and it’s great to see another creator educating others about it because I know I find it interesting and I really love doing it myself. But that’s really cool. Yeah, she’s really into poetry and using that as spell work and it’s just so beautiful because I love coming up with like chance and stuff like that for when we do rituals and things like that. And it’s important to realize that those are spells of their own. Like a spell within a spell. Just like how affirmations are. Right, Robin? I will kill myself right here on the spot. Just kidding, guys. That was a joke. I’m doing just fine. Who have you been loving? So I have been loving. I found them on Tik Tok. I think they’re called wallflower scents, but they do these candles that are done in cement, like poured cement holders. And they’ve got crystals that they put in there that is like purposefully put in its own kind of like design, but also like a grid, if you will. And they’ll put sometimes herbs and stuff into the candles themselves, but it’s done almost so delicately and minimally, but it’s so striking at the same time. Does that make sense? Like, there’s somehow very little that’s going into the spells. Excuse me, the candles. But simultaneously. It’s like powerful. It’s a powerful image. I really like it. I think it’s so beautiful. Yeah, I just think it’s really clever and I really like that they’re in concrete containers and they’re woodwick candles, so that’s cool. I haven’t gotten one yet, but I’m probably going to. Don’t tell my husband.
Participant #1:
Literally, I can’t knock a new car, but he and I have agreed to not buy ourselves anything like that right now. And I’m like, what if I just did? What if I have a list to go so when we’re ready, I’m going to buy all these things you think that I should not have these things. Oh my gosh. Yes.
Participant #1:
Thank you all for joining us today. We hope that you will join us again on Friday, March 18 for our fifth episode of season three. We’re going to have a guest for that episode as well and we have something very fun planned for it. So I hope you guys so fun like it. We are also doing in between episodes that are called Coffee Talk. I will be announcing the theme of this month over the weekend. So right after this episode comes up, so you can keep an eye out on our Instagrams or on our Twitter. You can follow us on Coffee and Coldrons on Twitter or Coffee and Coldren’s Pod on Instagram. Or you can go to Coffee and where you can find everything.
Participant #1:
Or you can even join us on our discord here which is for coven on Patreon. So we can answer your questions in our part two next time. And if you are loving Coffee and Cauldrons, can you please take a moment and review us on Apple podcasts or even on Spotify. We would appreciate the reviews because it helps us be seen. Yes, we appreciate those of you who have done it and we appreciate those of you who will do it. All the kisses. And if you join our podcast not our podcast. Hello, you’re on our podcast right now. Welcome to it. I wasn’t aware. What have we been doing? Our Patreon. You will get to hear us for an additional 30 ish minute episode for being in the tears casting and up. So again, this is Coffee and Cauldrons with Robin from out of Tired Witch on Instagram. And I’m Rena from Instagram. Ready? Alright, let’s do it.
Participant #1:
On my end. It was perfect. And so you could just shout out yeah, exactly.