Participant #1:
Welcome to episode 14, everybody. If you’ve just joined, I’m Maria at Maria the Arcane on Instagram. And this is Robin at Be Tired Witch on Instagram. Hello. Morning. Well, it’s morning for us. Probably not morning for you. It is. It’s morning somewhere everywhere.
Participant #1:
So if you guys are new with us every episode, we talk about upcoming lunar phases and kind of what that means for us. It’s almost getting to a point where we’re going to have to talk about the same lunar phase twice or skip a week because the upcoming new moon in Virgo happens on the 17 September. So I don’t know what we’re going to do about that. We’ll see. We’ll see when we get there. The new Inverto is a very Earthy moon and a very organized moon. I don’t know if you listeners are Virgos or know very many Virgos in your day to day life, but a Virgo has never met a list that they didn’t love, lists that they didn’t love to make. And so new moons are times for new beginnings, fresh starts, that sort of thing. And when we pair that with the Earthy Pragmatic Virgo energy, it’s going to be looking at energies that are fresh starts in an organized fashion. So this might be a really good time, like on a Monday level to do some autumn cleaning. You like that and says spring cleaning. Oh, I like it. Get your label maker out, guys. Okay, start labeling stuff. Get your list ready.
Participant #1:
Yeah. It’s just going to be focusing on energies that are organized and efficient Pragmatic, and pairing that with the new moon’s, new energy, it is worth initially that is a really great mood to have before Mayban. Like right before the second heart, second harvest. Organize your life before you go and get your corn.
Participant #1:
I honestly think I’m hilarious. I’m hilarious and nobody else needs to find me funny, but I will always laugh at my own jokes. Oh, you’re funny. You’re so funny. Go out to the fields, guys, get your corn and really just organize your house beforehand so when you bring the harvested corn in, you don’t know where it’s going to go. It is worth mentioning, though, with this new moon, that it’s a heavy Earth moon in terms of planetary alignment and influences like Saturn are probably going to make you feel a little grumpy. So you’re going to be doing some angry list making, and that’s okay. It’s like rageless. I can specifically think of three Virgos right now who I know for a fact have made angry list.
Participant #1:
Yeah. I’m looking at you, John Tenney. I’m looking at you, Corinne.
Participant #1:
I’m here for it. That sounds so amazing. Yeah. Can you imagine that? Honestly sounds like the opposite of me in every way because I am not a list maker or organized. I am I love list. Give me all the lists. But Maria is a secret. I do not think that I have any virgo in my chart. Maybe I don’t have one piece of virgo in my chart and it shows
Participant #1:
corn. I mean, Capricorn is known for being pretty listy. Yeah, so maybe it’s just that. Yeah, maybe. I don’t know. But either way. Guys, break out the parchment paper. Let’s make some parchment paper. Yeah, if we’re going to be harvesting corn, we might as well get the fucking parchment out too. The quill and ink, grab your side. Children from the field, it’s time for the cordless. I’m going to cancel myself here. You’re cancelled. I’m canceled. Goodbye. I’m cancelled. Goodbye. Yeah. So anyway, long story short, everyone get organized. You’re welcome.
Participant #1:
So if you just started listening to us, every podcast we talk about a random tarot card. We go over the universal meaning and their own interpretations of the card. Hearing others opinions helps beginners form their own opinions, or even those that have been practicing for a while, expand their views on other meetings. This week, we’re going to talk about the Ace of Swords. On this card, you see a cloud with a hand jetting out holding a sword. There’s a crown on the sword and some foliage and sometimes a reef. The universal meaning of this card is, you know, aces are about beginnings. And so this beginnings when it comes to ideas and clarity, my own meeting goes a little deeper into it. We can all agree that the sword suit is a rather difficult one. After all, the mountains on this card symbolize challenges and the streams are the emotions we will face facing such challenges. When this card comes up in readings, it tells me it’s time to take charge when it comes to your own ideas or even your mental health. It comes up when someone has just finished an EB in their life, especially after dealing with something really rough emotionally. Basically you are like, well, enough is enough. I’m stuck in this position and I’m ready to make some changes. It isn’t going to be easy though, even though it’s a great first step to admit like, okay, it’s time. It’s time to make these changes so things actually get better. You have to fight in order to fully overcome what you are up against. And that’s why the sword is shutting down. Take the sword. All in all, this shows that you are ready to step into your power and that is awesome. But to be ready to put in the work though, in order to keep this momentum going so you can succeed. So how do you view this card? Robin Deer, the Ace swords to me is like a clairvoyant card. Aces, as you said, are all about new beginnings. But it’s also with that new beginnings about pure potential, right? To me, this card is about the ability and reality of basically gaining really good insight to situations. Because swords in general are these mental cards, right? And so with this new found insight that you might have. You have this sort of power with the sword of using it for good or evil, if that makes sense. That’s the pure potential. It’s being able to have such potential insight that you could do anything with it. So let’s say, for example, you find out at your job that something, I don’t know, some promotions coming up, like, are you going to use that to help build up your coworker who’s been working their freaking ass off and deserves that promotion and they’re your friend, or you start sabotaging them so that way you get the promotion instead, right? It’s this newbound insight and you’ve got this sort of power and potential to use it however you want to. And it’s really up to you on what direction that’s going to go.
Participant #1:
Last episode, we asked you guys for the 13th episode to go on Apple Music and review the podcast and ask a question that we can answer at this time. And we got a lot of amazing reviews, but I think some of you guys forgot to ask your question this week. We only actually have a couple questions that we’re going to go for, which they’re still great questions. Like, no complaints from us. 100%. Yeah. And if you had no questions and you just wanted to review us and you didn’t forget, that’s just, like, very intentional. Thank you. Your words were really kind. Yeah, we totally appreciate it. Yeah. So that was on purpose. Thank you. If it wasn’t on purpose, I’m sorry we missed your question. We do appreciate you, though, so very much. Very much. The first question we’re going to go over is, can we eat the offerings we make? Yes, I think so. At least. At least. Me, I’m a huge proprietor of no waste. I don’t like creating waste if I can avoid it. And there’s been a lot of times in my life where I could not waste food because I was poor, very poor. No food waste. So, yes, you absolutely can, in my opinion, eat offerings. I think it’s about kind of how you eat them versus whether or not you can or you can. Does that make sense? Yeah, that definitely makes sense. Yeah. I do agree that you can. But when it comes to offerings for myself, I always leave them out for like, a day, but give them back to nature afterwards. What this means is that I give my food when I make my food. I try to make it natural, nothing that would harm the environment and leave it in the forest so Mama Earth can do what she wants with it. And when it comes to drinks, most time I poured into the earth as well, just not the forest. But I do have some offerings I can’t give back to the Earth. Like, I do not give the diet soda on the altar that I leave for my grandma. Why
Participant #1:
don’t you?
Participant #1:
It was my grandma’s, like, she loved it. And chocolate is not good for a lot of animals. And I do that on my altar for her as well. But I do eat the chocolate. But one of the reasons why I do eat it is because my grandma and I share chocolate all the time. It was our thing. We would go shopping together and we’d get a whole bag of chocolate and we would split it. I mean, it’s just something that we did together. Yeah. I literally do not see anything wrong with eating the food. There’s
Participant #1:
many religions where you layout offering and you do eat it. I mean, when you have like a big like when families have big Christmas dinners, it is technically an offering to the season and they do eat it. It’s just speaking in what you are giving out. Does that make sense? How I do it is, let’s say I make, I don’t know, a meal, like a straight up meal on a plate. I will leave it out for the evening and then I’ll sit down at my altar and enjoy it there. Like have it there. And it’s usually cold and whatever, but that’s sort of the whole fucking point, right? And so, yeah, I don’t believe in food waste, so I do eat it, but I eat it at my altar. I consider eating it with the spirits or with whatever I give it to. I always leave it out for a period of time at which that it was clearly for them. So the meal is cold by the time I have it, if not the very next day. So stale and crusty musty but if I’m going to eat it, that’s how I do it. Yeah. And I know a lot of in rituals, like, let’s say that someone has brought wine into their circle to share with the deed they are sharing the wine with. They would at first be like, well, ded drink from this cup and then they themselves would be like and then I take it into myself. Yeah, it’s everywhere. Same sort of thing. So, long story short, you absolutely can. As long as you’re doing it in a respectful manner, whether that’s 100% leaving it back to nature or eating it at your altar, whatever way you’re going to do it, as long as you’re being respectful about it, you absolutely can.
Participant #1:
Yes. You ready for the next question? Yeah. Okay. Are we we’re going to do tarot book recommendation? Oh my Lord. I haven’t met a tarot book that I 100% agree with yet. I just want to put that out there. You will not agree with every single interpretation you come across. Our interpretations are not only based on universal meanings of cards, but also our life experiences. The more you use Tarot, you’ll see some patterns and consistency’s. View. These will help you form your own opinions about the cards, however easy they are at first. So practice, practice, practice. Build up that intuition. And most of all, be honest with yourself. And I agree when you’re reading parts because if you’re not honest with yourself, carol will put all your bullshit on display and it is up to you to take it and do something about it. But let’s say if I were to recommend some books, I would recommend Path Work in the Tarot. It not only comes with exercises for the cards, it also comes with interpretations. And I agree with author on many things. I also have two guidebooks that I love. I love both the Line Strider Decks Guidebook and the Darkwood Tarot Guidebook. Well, as I said, I don’t agree with them 100%. They are definitely amazing. The Line Strider has correspondences for each card and Darkwood Tarot focuses on shadow work. What books would you recommend? Well, first and foremost, as somebody who gets questions a lot of the time, I’m sure you do too. On what books should we start with as a beginner? The Sky Alexander series, the modern series. I love that their book on Beginner Tarot I think is a really good, soft introduction for people that are just trying to get their feet wet because it has upgrades, it has reversals, it has color correspondence, it has correspondences. And so I think it’s a really great soft intro. I also really like Kitchen Table Tarot. It’s called Tarot Shuffle Cards. Let’s Talk Tarot. It’s a very straightforward and earnest approach, like the title says right about Kitchen table. It’s like just two people chilling out in their kitchen and doing Tarot is not this grand mysticism and whatever. It’s very just honest. And I really like the earnest of that book. And the other book, but I’m surprised you didn’t suggest is the Holistic Tarot book. I do like it, but there are so many things that I disagreed with the author on. It kind of oh, yeah, I definitely just don’t disagree with you on that at all. But I liked the different approach to it, if that makes sense. Yeah, I did too. I did take it like a six inch fucking book. It’s a massive textbook. So even if you’re not going to agree with everything and if there’s still a lot to get from it, there is a lot of undertaking going through that book. It reads like a textbook, but I definitely do recommend it. As I said before, on other podcasts or other episodes, get as many interpretations as you can. Read as many books as you can. Can I give a recommendation of a book I don’t like that I don’t like Biddy Tarot. I don’t like Biddy Tarot at all. Sometimes I agree with them. I love Biddy. I am not a bitty Tarot fan. I think that although they have an amazing website, which is great for people that can’t afford books and stuff like that, I feel like the entire Porch is very love and light, everything being positive. And we all know by now my stance on toxic positivity. And you know what? Sometimes the tower is just the tower, and it’s not some amazing change within you. Sometimes you’re just being a self sabotaging piss baby, and there’s validity in that. And so I’m not a fan of biddy tarot just in general, because even though not everything is love and light and painting it with that brush is not true, and it’s very unfair of me to say it is too much positivity for things that are just sometimes not positive for my liking. Yeah, well, I do like viny tarot for their upright. I definitely agree that they skip over the shadow work aspects of the cards and also the whole purpose of tarot calling us out. Yeah. But I do like some of their attributors. So cards that are upright and do mean something positive. I do like those. Just generally speaking, their keywords, I’ve found, are usually 100% on point. It’s just their follow up interpretation to me is always like, okay, so you’re finding the fucking ray of sunshine in the thunderstorm, aren’t you?
Participant #1:
The book I don’t recommend is actually a guidebook, and it is the wild unknowns guidebook at all with that deck, get a whole new like, I would even start with that deck because the guidebook does not give you any interpretation whatsoever. It gives you, like, this mystic meaning behind the card that’s very vague and very like I don’t know what the hell this means, but, yeah, literally, I am not a fan of that deck at all, which is a story for another day. It’s not for me. I know a lot of people really like it, and I love that for them, I’m like 100% corner. If anybody wants my copy, you can probably have it. If I can find it. It’s my wife’s copy. I never vibes with that deck. I saw it everywhere and I was like, Oh, my God, that deck, it’s so beautiful. And then I got it, and I was just like, Maybe not. It’s not that it’s not beautiful. It is still beautiful, right? I’m not trying to shit on a deck right now. It’s just for me, every deck has a different energy and I didn’t click with it. Yeah, especially not good for beginners. I mean, you’re obviously an experienced witch and you didn’t like,
Participant #1:
supreme my huge spiritual dong really quick and just talk about it. That’d be great.
Participant #1:
Funny. Everybody listening is just like, I could not stand this bitch. Every single time she talks, I wish she wouldn’t.
Participant #1:
All right, next question. Yeah, I do want to preface that. This question actually comes from one of our discord members because I wanted to fill this in with some more questions. I thought this was a great one that people can actually take something very relevant to everybody. And since we’re doing questions here, too, why not, right? Why not? Why not? What do we do to recharge when we aren’t feeling like our most authentically witchy selves? Do you want to go first, Maria? Sure. Okay. If you are going through an Ebb, go through the freaking Ebb. The more you fight against it, you are going to burn out. You are going to feel miserable. You’re not going to enjoy your practice and you’re going to be forcing something that you’re not enjoying, which your practice, while it’s very important, it also is meant to also be enjoyed. And if you’re not wanting to do it and you’re making yourself do it, you’re going to start to resent it. And it’s going to be awful. But let’s say you’re just having off day but it deep inside doing some spa work or something is going to make you feel better. Honestly, just like even taking a moment to step outside, put your feet in the grass and just like breathe in, breathe out. And just being one with nature just for a moment is a great way to recharge. And then also this is going to sound so stupid. I’m excited for this. You said it’s going so good and I’m going to just die. Go do stuff that gets you in the witchy mood. Like watch Practical Magic
Participant #1:
potter like vibrating brooms that they sold and they had to take them off the shelves because little children were really riding their brooms. No, you don’t remember that? Oh my God. I was like eleven or twelve. This would have been the late 90s when Harry Potter was like at its height because see, Daniel Radcliffe is literally the same age as me. He’s like a week younger than I am. You guys, I was very into Harry Potter as a child. Can you tell me 5000 toy? And it vibrated but it was like the vibrating wasn’t an intentional thing. It was supposed to be like feeling like you’re going fast or whatever. And Lil gang put that in their orphans. They were shoving it in holes and taking off the market
Participant #1:
horny. Twelve year old
Participant #1:
she says that you guys hop on your brooms and take it for a spin.
Participant #1:
No, that’s not what I was going to say. I’m going to send you the article for that after this, by the way, and it’s going to blow your whole mind. Oh my.
Participant #1:
Watch Practical Magic. Watch witchyish movies that get you in the mood to practice. Listen to music that makes you feel yourself and makes you feel energetic and empowered and stuff. But I think the biggest thing about like if you’re just not into it, let’s say you’re super stressed out and you’re going through a rough patch in life. Do attempt to do spell work, but don’t force it on yourself. As I said, you don’t want to resent your practice. That’s the last thing you want to do. Like we all go through ads even in our practice. The thing that makes a witch is that she knows or they know that they can return to their practice at any time because no matter what, they are a witch. Period. Yeah. For me, personally, it’s just reminding myself who I am. So I feel like our culture, specifically our subculture, puts a lot of pressure on people without even realizing it, that they need to be this fucking witch of the woods all the time. I know that there’s a lot of really amazing accounts out there that have these beautifully aesthetic photos, and everything looks like they’re constantly outside with their feet in the ground and they’re in the rain, I don’t know, macerating to the full moon or some shit. They’re so over the top with their photos because it’s beautiful. Because my family thing, I do this too. No shade. It’s beautiful. They’re great. To share these snippets of our practice in an aesthetically pleasing way. It’s an amazing tool. However, it is also the Internet. And, like, for example, Maria’s most recent photo, one of her most recent photos where she took this stunning High Priestess photo where she’s looking like fucking the others came. It’s a great fucking photo. You look like the woman in black. It’s great, but you aren’t actually walking around your house with, like, a veil over your head all day and, like smoke and stuff. I wish. Oh, that’d be awesome. Can I say something? Yeah. Okay. I want to make this clear. I’m going through a huge creative streak right now. I am flowing super creative. This creativity I’m experiencing right now isn’t going to last forever. I’m going to go through an ad just like everybody freaking out. So that’s my whole point here, is that it’s a creative streak, and it’s wonderful and it’s beautiful. But don’t use somebody else’s amazing creative streak as the marker for your own craft. Your craft to make yourself feel a little bit more witchy can be a simple little thing, like stirring your coffee with a cinnamon stick. Or do that buying some fresh flowers for your altar. That’s what I do. And I’m feeling, like, super down. I go and get some really fancy shit for my altar as, like, an offering. But I guess I just want to stress is that don’t compare your own practice to literally anyone else. Like, 100%. That in and of itself can be enough to just recharge you and remind yourself that you’re fucking baddie and that your path is your own. And just like Maria said, you’re going to have ebbs and flows, and all of that is valid. All of that is fine. And if you think other people don’t go through that EBS and flow, it’s because they’re sharing the best parts of themselves on the Internet. Yes. Or that they have, like, a ton of photos saved up so they can use it for a future date. Yeah. And mind you, no shame to them. I fucking do that. I’m no problem. That is a normal friggin thing. And I have photos that I’ve got saved just in case I’m going through an app, but I still want to post because I want to, because part of being on social media and being a person on the Internet makes me happy. I do want to say, please do not judge your practice on my practice, especially by just going off my photos. I am a professional photographer. I take photos for part of my other job. I have been taking photos for the past seven years, and I’ve also been practicing for almost 19 years now. Yes. I guess my biggest stress is based off of not just this question, but the fact that I get questions in my DMs like this all the time, is that just, like, be nice to yourself, people, which class is essentially a lifestyle, right? Yes. It’s something that you incorporate into your life if you are, and there is no right or wrong way to do it, per se. And realistically, even if you have, like, an Ebb for, let’s say, a month straight, right. You’re just a witch who hasn’t done active magic.
Participant #1:
I have been doing this for a very long time, and I have EVs I mean, for Fox sake, maria knows about this. Like, a week and a half ago or so, I went through an EB, and I was feeling really fucking shitty and down and was avoiding stuff, and Maria just took over in the discord for me for a few days because I was going through an EB and I needed personal space to deal with stuff going on in my own life because I’m a human being at the end of the day, and so are you, and that’s okay. You are not the supreme, and you don’t have to be a supreme, and I have.
Participant #1:
But don’t be yourself up. And if you’re in an Ed but you still want to feel witchy, do something really small. Pull a copy of the week if you want to do something. Don’t think that your altar doesn’t look cool enough. I want you to go all the way to the bottom of my Instagram speed and see what my altar looked like two years ago. You’re constantly building. You can actually do the exact same thing, because two years ago, we had just moved into our house now, and I was trying to learn and figure out how to have an altar in a tiny space. And my altar was bare bones because I was trying to figure it out. I didn’t know how I was going to have an altar in such a small space because we have a tiny home. We live in a school. Less conversion, by the way, for people listening who didn’t know that, because apparently I feel like I say this all the time, but apparently a lot of people don’t know that I live in a tiny home. And I was trying to figure out that balance. And my altar was friggin tiny and bare bones because I was taking my own time to figure out how I wanted to have that. So it didn’t make me any less of a hashtag aesthetic, which it meant that I was figuring my shit out. And that’s valid. Yeah. And I had literally just come out of the groom closet to my wife maybe like a year or so before that, and I am not a rich person. And so I add stuff slowly to my house. I’m so crazy rich, my altar. I’m crazy rich, guys. I got money coming out my butthole. I’m just like, oh, another $100 bill fell out of my back pocket. It’s true, though. And that’s the other thing is really important thing. Getting stuff from outside, getting stuff from the dollar store, all that is fucking valid. And don’t listen to anybody who tells you otherwise. We’re going off on a tangent now, but I think it’s important. And really, at the end of the day, if you’re feeling shitty, that’s okay. Like, go through that shitty period. There’s nothing wrong with that. But go walk over to that mirror, remind yourself that you’re the baddest switch in town, even if you’re not practicing magic at this exact moment. And that is okay. Yes, agreement. Mental health is important.
Participant #1:
So, Maria, what’s during your cold run this week? So well, lovelies it’s a chart of spooky season. And I’m not just talking about decorations or how it came. I am talking about the thinning of the veil. The veil between this world and the spirit world. It is around this time of year when you can honestly feel it happening. I mean, there is something like electric in there. So yes, you couldn’t tell that thinning of the bell is what stirring my cauldron for many newer witches, not necessarily newer witches to this podcast, but you may be at a loss of what this actually means. Many witches around this time get, like, ghostly visitors who pass through, and I’m definitely one of those stops on the spirit trail. It seems every year I get a little misty figure that stays in my kitchen. They have really good energy, so I always love it when they return. The reason a lot of witches get spirits drawn to them around this time of year is that we’re more receptive to their energies and we respond to them when we feel them. We don’t just ignore them. And so don’t be surprised if some unexplainable things start happening around your home. I do recommend, however, making sure you are leaving out offerings fairly often, and even if it’s just like a simple cup of coffee or tea and protecting your home through spellwork. And also what’s the thinning of the bell divination in general is taken to a whole other level this time around. And when it comes to intuitions and readings, a lot of witches will thrive more. So thanks to the thinning of the bell and Tarot readings become I mean, they’re already spot on, but they’re going to become so spot on, it’s freaking scary. And things like doing automatic writing comes out easier and more effortlessly. And definitely taking things definitely making the most out of doing more tarot spreads and using your pendulum more often. I mean, I highly recommend because it’s a lot of fun this time of year. That and back to her previous point in the beginning, which I know is a lie. I’m sure you guys knew it was a lie, but it’s also because of decorating. She loves it. This bitch already been to Michael three times. I’m still in the process of decorating, too. I haven’t found the time to put everything up, but I like throwing shade. But I literally went to Michaels the day they said they were going to have stuff out. I am planning to go this weekend. I also enjoy this time of year. I think it’s great. And I completely second. Everything Maria said is, yes, use your stuff more, but also make sure that you are grounding and protecting yourself in your home just to keep out maybe like the gingers that stare over your wife at 03:00 A.m.. And that was around this time of year, so keep that in mind. Fucking freaky, man. Yeah, check your stuff. Cleanse everything. Especially new things. Cleanse it. Cleanse, cleanse, cleanse. Don’t cleanse it. Don’t ever cleanse it. Play a little spiritual, Roulette. You guys wanted chaos. That’s how you get it. You want to be woken up at 300 in the morning. This is what you do. Don’t set an alarm. Don’t cleanse anything.
Participant #1:
So, Robin, what is not stirring your culture right now? You know, I actually really struggled to pick something because things were not irritating me at all. I wasn’t irritated at all. And then the Internet is like, surprise, bitch. You are actually irritated inventing essential oils. Let’s talk about that. A new thing that is going on around the internet. People telling other people to just gobble up those essential oils. And although there are a few essential oils that are safe for a healthy person’s consumption in measured quantities, that is something that should only be discussed between you and your doctor. And essential oil that might be, quote, safe to consume if it is a food grade. Essential oil. Which just because something says food grade on it does not mean that you can put it in your food. Just so everyone, we’re all on the same page here. For example, you’re saying people lie.
Participant #1:
The thing is that food grade is an FDA term for the quality of what goes into it. It doesn’t actually mean that it is food. It’s a measurement word, right? And there have been people like, I get it. There’s all those fucking pyramidsky moms that are like, put this in your guacamole and then you’ll be calm. You can there are some essential oils that are, quote, safe to consume. But the thing is that that’s something you should discuss with a doctor. Because essential oils are the molecular breakdown. It’s like the atomic breakdown of an herb. And because of that, if you have a mild allergy, let’s say that you don’t realize you have because it’s super mild, and you then consume the essential oil molecular breakdown of that herb, you could kill yourself. You could literally accidentally cause severe harm to your body, even if it is, quote, a safe thing to consume and measured amount, if you have an underlying allergy you don’t know about. Because on a just basic regular level, regular level, it’s very undetectable, unnoticeable. You could put yourself into an anaphylactic shock and cause serious issues, especially if you’re not somebody who has serious allergies to begin with. So you don’t have an EpiPen. You could literally die. It’s an incredibly unsafe thing to do when you don’t know when you don’t have a doctor’s approval. And like I said, just because it says food grade doesn’t mean that it’s food. Please stop using essential oils. Please stop listening to teenagers on TikTok who tell you, oh, it’ll give you a synogenic effect. They’re fucking more. Oh, my gosh.
Participant #1:
Please don’t eat essential oils. Guys, I love essential oils as much as the next person. I put them in my ritual oils. There are some I diffuse because, again, it’s a molecular breakdown. Some of them are incredibly toxic to household pets. Yes, they are. Essential oils are not something to fuck with and not something to just be like, oh, yeah, like, I got it from doTERRA, so actually it’s safe. And I’m going to put this in my soup. Don’t do that. If you need to go out, just go put some CBD oil in your stuff. All I’m saying is, before ingesting any kind of herbal anything, talk to your fucking doctor. Talk to your doctor because your doctor is probably in the same.
Participant #1:
Agreed. And not to mention, you’re putting a lot of trust in a company who probably does not have FDA approval. You’re having a lot of 17 year old who read a fucking article. Somebody ingested belladonna, which, mind you, is a poisonous herb on an essential oil level, and it gave them a hallucination. You’re literally going to kill yourself on accident. Don’t fucking do that. So, yeah, that’s not stirring my culture in this week. Thank you guys so much for being here on the podcast. Don’t bug any essential oils. I will kill you myself if that’s what you really want. If you really want to fuck with God that much, like, I’ll just do it myself. It’s fine. Just call me. Please don’t actually please get mental health. Help. You are worthless. Please. That was a joke.
Participant #1:
Last but not least, if you guys are new, every week we talk about creators that we’re loving right now, stuff that we think is cool that we found. And on that note, if you’re listening to this and you’re like, oh, my God, I have something that I want them to promote, just stop right there. Just hit the brakes as hard as you can. Do not message us at this point in time, I would say Maria and I have blocked at least a dozen people for doing this. Please don’t be that guy. Please don’t do it. We hate you so much. Thank you. These are people who travel organically. They’re not paid promotions. They’ll never be paid promotions. Stop it. That being said, that’s super fun, though. Maria, who’s your creator this week you’re loving? Okay, so on Instagram, they are known as Black in the Moon, and her name is Claire, and she makes Tarot decks and Oracle decks. And I just got the Oracle deck. I hope I said that right. I think it did, but oh, my goodness, this deck is gorgeous, and I love it so much. I want to use it, like, 24/7. It’s so massive for an Oracle deck. I don’t think I’ve ever owned an Oracle deck with this many cards. I’m really sure there are, like, 78 cards in Tarot. It’s a massive deck, and it’s not like, loving light. Like Oracle deck. It’s shadow work and all that. There’s a card for everything. I mean, there’s even a card for chronic illness and stuff like that. I thought that was really neat, doctor. That one right before I had a chronic illness player. Wow, that’s fucking rude. Not right. But I mean, the deck is beautiful, and I love the illustrations and stuff like that. It’s totally my taste and text, like, dark colors, and it’s just beautiful. Stunning. My creator this week, I actually just got reminded of because of another creator witch swap posted about them for, like a three car draw, and I was like, oh, my God, I forgot about this deck. And I forgot how much I love this deck. It’s the Earth and Bones Tarot by Alchemy Soul on Instagram. And it is very similar to kind of like what you described as not very similar, but it’s bones. It’s Bones, yes. Earth and Bones. Bones, like the name suggests. And it’s just really pretty. It’s got really nice earthy kind of energy, and I really like it. I think it’s really pretty. It’s one that’s actually been on my list for a while for myself, and then I forget about it because shiny Penny, I get distracted, and I’ll probably end up getting it at some point, but I love it. I think it’s great. It’s really beautiful. I really like it. I like the colors. It’s very Witch of the woods vibe, and I’m here for it. Same.
Participant #1:
We hope you guys will join us for our next episode on September 18. It’s our 15th episode, and it will be our Maybon episode with another special guest. So keep your eyes out on our Instagrams and on Twitter. And you can follow us on Twitter. It’s Coffee Cold Rooms for more information or even better, joining us on our Discord Tier, which is First Covenant on Patreon so we can answer your questions next time. You’ll even get to hear our essential voices for an additional 30 minutes episode for being on our Patreon Tiers. Casting and up. Yeah. So again, this is Coffee and Cauldrons with Robin at a Tired Witch on Instagram and with Maria from Maria the Arcane on Instagram. Are you ready to get out? Ready? Yeah. One ready. 1123 voice.