Participant #1:
Hello everyone and welcome back or to your first episode, I guess of coffee and cold drinks. I’m so sorry. Thank you for joining joining us on episode six of season three. If you’ve just joined, my name is Robin. I am at a tired witch on Instagram and I am joined by the lovely, beautiful, sensual Maria the Arcame on Instagram. Thank you. Thank you so much for having me. I’m trying to make sensual thing. Somebody commented I like the word sensual. Me too. Somebody commented as a review to us and said that they loved our sensual voices. And I was just like yes, I have planted the seed and I will see it grow. Everyone will be using it. It’ll be the new thing. Everyone’s like oh well, this turkey sandwich is so sensual stuff. Trying to make sensual happened always happens.
Participant #1:
If you’ve just joined us this time, if this is your first time. First of all, hi. Welcome to the best podcast on Earth. We don’t say ourselves, it will be biased, but it is true anyway. Every single episode we talk about upcoming literal phases and how we can use that in our magical practices. These are not astrological check ins in respect to your own sun signs. This is just how we can utilize the astrological lunar phases in our practice. Now that being said, on April 16 we have the Full Moon in Libra. Libra Full Moons are great because they are a chance to focus on and bring more balance into our lives both mundane and magically. We can utilize this moon to kind of focus on sort of the imbalances and holes in our life that need filling and really call on energy. That is going to provide a little boost in that. Simultaneously. The Libra Full Moon is a really good chance to do things like healing power dynamics in current and past relationships. Anytime that you might have found a relationship is no longer feeling quite like you are both giving and taking in the same sort of way. We can focus in on that and utilize the Libra Full Moon to find balance in it. It is also a really good time to do things like closure for heartbreak. If you have been considering potentially doing a spell that is going to kind of release the ties of you and another person, this would be a really good time to do that. It’s obviously not going to be perfect for everyone. Some of us are going to find the Libre Full Moon is going to be bringing a lot of healing to our heart and other people are going to have some severing that will hurt. It might suck for some of us and I don’t want to sugarcoat that even if I was struggling to find the words for a second. What’s up? Everything that you said definitely makes a lot of sense. And I feel like also Libra is also known to be such a creative sign. And every Libra I know is kind of the horniest person I’ve ever met.
Participant #1:
You again. Oh, my goodness.
Participant #1:
Practice some sensual glamour magic. Yes. Do an art project for the full moon. What we’re trying to say is bring some balance into your life by rubbing one out and making herself feel better. Or go do a cord cutting ceremony. Both work for this full moon. Do you remember when we started this podcast and we did one horny reference ever? And I was like, It’s the horniest episode ever. Every episode is horny seasons in. And I’m just like, get a vibrator, rub one out, and have a good Libra full moon. Okay. Honestly, that is very big Libra energy screen, actually. Are you wrong? Are you wrong? A Libra friend of mine that I have, this is a great example of why Libras are all so horny. A really good Libra friend of mine once told me that if you have a hangover, to just masturbate and it will get rid of your hangover. So I personally have never tried it because I don’t actually get hangovers very often. But if anybody listening wants to give it a shot, she swears by it. So consider that what Robin is saying. If you’re hungover during the full moon, you could do magic at the same time by moving your hangover. It’s the horniest episode ever.
Participant #1:
So if you just started listening to us, every podcast, we talk about a tarot card. We go over the universal meaning and then our own interpretations of the cards. Hearing other people’s opinions helps for goodness form their own opinions, or even those who have been practicing for a while, expand their views on other meetings. So this week, I thought we’d do something new. I think revisiting an old card that we did would be fun. And I believe the first episode of our first season, we did this one. I just want to see a minute. It’s been a minute. Yeah, it has. It’s been years now. Years. Is that crazy that we’ve been doing the podcast for years? So crazy. It doesn’t feel like it. No, it doesn’t. That’s because time wise, I’m having fun with you. Thanks, babe.
Participant #1:
But I just figured we could see how our thoughts have changed and maybe we’ll even bring up something new when it comes to the card that we didn’t speak about on the first go round because we were still learning about doing a podcast. But we’re going to be looking back at the moon card. So on this card, you will see a moon between two towers. These towers are shown on many different cards throughout the deck, such as the four Wands, Death, and obviously the tower. And on the ground, you’ll see three different creatures, a domesticated dog, a wolf and a lobster coming out of a body of water towards upside. What did you realize? You say wolf instead of wolf.
Participant #1:
Our very first episode that we ever recorded. Frank had never edited one of our podcasts and Maria said wolf. He had never seen it like nine times and he was like I’m going to blow my brains out.
Participant #1:
I’m so sorry. To attract what? Praying all of us have accents, okay? I cannot control mine. I’ll do my best, do not need to do anything differently. I just heard you say it and I was like, wait a minute, I just remembered this. Okay, so the universal keywords to this card are illusion, fear and the subconscious. Much like I said on the first go around with this card, I view this card very differently than most readers and that has not changed. I want to share with you, with all of you, like my base thoughts about this card. And then I’ll go into the new way. I have begun to see it like the past couple of months. So when this card comes up, it usually shows me that someone is denying a big part of themselves or they feel restrained by life, much like the domesticated dog, which represents our conservative natures. They long to run free and like howl at the moon, but they are pulled to act. Is there a way that society deems fit? The wolf represents our wild, the person who wants to do exactly as they wish and to live fiercely and authentically. And I want to stress that nothing is wrong with the dog. It represents us being responsible and the wolf is more animalistic. Many rules don’t apply, which isn’t always the best thing. It kind of reminds me of Carl Young’s work about he said that we all wear a mask which is represented by the dog to the outside world, and that mask is important. But we cannot deny our wild cells either. We have to meet ourselves in the middle, much like the lobster on this card, which to me represents the shell we have formed to protect ourselves. We have to practice both being the dog and the wolf and only then we will find our authentic path forward. Now, when this card is upright, it really shows me that we are leaning more on the conservative side. We are scared of being authentic sells to not even show the world around us that part of ourselves and not even ourselves. And we may find you may even find like yourself making fun of people who show signs of representing the wolf on this card, or even longingly wish you could be as free as they are. It kind of reminds me of werewolves a little bit. The longer you suppress a side of yourself, especially the untamed part of you, it will explode out of you eventually. She is trying to tell you that she wants to be a ballgoff. I came side of myself and it just burst out of the seams. All right, Corn, calm down. Yes, but it will be painful and right away after that explosion happens. You’ll probably slip back into that super domesticatedness after it happens, but the damage is done. And I think that allowing yourself to make friends with that inner part wild part of you, whatever it means to you is so important. Maybe it’s going out with friends, dancing wildly like no one’s watching, embracing parts of you that society might frown upon. Working hard, but also playing hard too. Finding a middle ground through an outlet so you don’t feel so pent up by or repressed in your life. Now, the new way I’ve been seeing this card is just like a little different than what I’ve just said, but definitely involves it as well. The moon cycles, it waxes, grows full, wanes and then disappears only to reappear in the sky. And the moon isn’t the only thing that goes through a cycle. We do as well. And the domesticated dog can definitely represent the waning or dark part of the moon when we are slowing down and doing work that needs to get done. And then the wolf can represent the waxing or full moon. When we are having fun and living life to the fullest, when we deny our cycles for whatever reason, it can make life so hard and unbearable. It’s like when all you do is work and you’re overworking yourself and you have no outlet, no cycle, you will burn out. This card seems to pop up a lot in work readings for this reason and most of the time it isn’t our fault, it is society, especially here in America. There is nothing wrong with being a boss and getting shit done, but should only be half of your time. It’s unfair for those who have to work that way. Definitely and only reform of how businesses conduct themselves will things change for the better. But advocate for yourself when you can. Now let’s say you are overworking yourself and you’re your own boss. I think scheduling is important here. You aren’t lazy for having fun or relaxing, especially after you’ve already worked so hard. You may think that you’re impressing everyone by burning yourself out, but you will snap it become that wherewith it goes through that horrible painful change rather than just allowing yourself the time to freely be that part of yourself. And on the other hand, when this card is upside down, it means like you’re representing that wild side too much, that other part of the cycle by over partying and saying screw it to responsibilities. But as I said, that only comes up when reversed for me. But how do you view this card? I had a lot to say. I’m so sorry. That’s okay, you don’t need to be sorry. I actually don’t have anything to add if I’m being really honest with you. I think we’ve talked about this before how I feel about the moon card basically just being this big illusion and not seeing things clearly for what they are. I also would add that the moon sometimes can show doormat insecurities or repressed kind of issues that we’re projecting on to other people. Just like the moon reflects the sun’s light and is not actually glowing itself, we might see issues in other people that really are issues within ourselves that we are rejecting outward. So you’re saying that the moon card is Lindsey Graham? I do not know who Lindsey Graham is. I have no idea who that is. Okay, I was going to say it real quick. He’s a Republican, it’s South Carolina, a politician, and he’s definitely gay. And he’s completely like anti gay, everything. And it’s horrible. Love that. Love that for him. Good for Lucy Graham, man. You live last. Love, buddy. Right into a very unhappy future.
Participant #1:
Yeah. I don’t really know how much to add, but I think that your additional insights this time are very interesting and I hope that people appreciate all the thought you put into the wolf.
Participant #1:
Yes, I hope. Very great.
Participant #1:
So Robin and I thought it would be fun for this time that we talk about alter setups. I think we’ve talked about it in the past, especially our first season. I think we went over alter setups, but it seems to be like a very hot topic for, I don’t know, even witches. I’ve been practicing for a while, like just getting everything set up to the way that they like it. And of course there’s social media pressure to have your alters look a certain way and all that. So I thought it would be fun to go circle back. Yeah, circle back. One of the very first articles I ever wrote for our patreon was how to Start an Altar. And I was just telling Maria, because we’re going to discuss this today and maybe I will circle back to that and we’ll do a refreshed version, especially now that we’re doing these nice little PDF documents. I know I’m actually planning to redo a bunch of our articles on the patreon and do it. And also I’m going to go through listen, we’re just talking about freaking stuff, but I’m going to go through all the patreon articles, all 300 of them, and I’m going to add tags to them so that way it’s easier to find things for people. Yeah, I was thinking about that. That’s going to be my April Project. Why I decided to do this three years in, do not ask me, but here we are. I will never add up. We’ll just start now. I will never add another tier to our patreon, however, because the last time I added a tier, when we introduced the spell caster boxes, at the time we had 112 twelve articles. And it took me 4 hours to add, manually add all the tiers, like all the articles to the new tier. And we did two fucking tiers. We did the spellcaster covenant and the spell caster tier. I will never do it again. You guys want something extra, find it from somebody else. I’m not making it a tier. It’s not happening at this point. We have so many articles, and because you have to manually add every single thing, it would take me, like, a week. That sounds like admin hell. That’s when you just hire someone else to do it anyway. So where did your altar begin? Like, when you first started out? Like, my first ever alter or the altar that I currently when you started, what did your altar look like? Well, when I started practicing in a serious way, I lived in a big like, I live in an apartment that had six people in it. Welcome to San Francisco. And when I started practicing in a really serious way, I had a very small bedroom, and I did not have a lot of space. This is why I said it was small. Welcome to the redundancy department. And I also was not comfortable sharing that side of me with my housemates, which is so silly, because now I’m still best friends with all these people. Well, with two of them, I married another one, one of the other people, but I’m still friends with these people, and they all know about it now, and I do not care at all if not do not care, but they’ll come to me with questions and stuff like that or asking for help. So it’s so funny that I was weird about that then, but I kept all my stuff in a drawer, the bottom drawer of my wardrobe. Like, I had chested drawers. The bottom drawer was my altar. And my now husband, at the time, when he moved in, I gathered all that stuff because I was trying to make space for him, and I hit it in a shoe box at the top shelf of the closet and just kept it away just so that way he didn’t have space, but it was, like so you would pull out the drawer, and I had it lined with a cloth. Right. I did not have a cauldron at the time, but I did have, like, a pyrex dish that I use for, like, burning stuff in, and I have my little handle holders, and I had a printout picture of something worthy, because I’ve always, like, I’ve been a devotee of hers forever, and it was just, like, the most ridiculous little thing. In hindsight, it was so ridiculous. But it worked for me, so no, it works, right? Yeah, if it works, it works.
Participant #1:
I didn’t have an altar for the longest time. I had all my witchy knick necks, for sure, but I didn’t have, like, a permanent setup. I had, like, being scattered in my room growing up, and whenever I did a spell, I would just grab what I need. But as you said, I didn’t have a cauldron. I don’t think I had a cauldron until I came out to my wife. But even then though, I never gravitated to how Wickens were setting up their altars at the time. Like, no, hate for it by the way, but it just never resonated much for me. And when we first moved into this house, like I am in right now, all we had downstairs where most of my alters are now was two blonde chairs. It was probably like that for a whole year and then eventually we did get a couch, but it was still very sparse. And a few years later we finally got this wooden table that we were going to use for our Xbox and stuff, but there was like plenty of room at the top. And this was like the time I was still in the broom closet with my wife but I was getting less worried about it being out in the open and I really finally wanted like a permanent alter space. We had just moved into our family home, we were no longer in the military and this is where we’re settling down, hopefully temporarily. So I finally got that triangle shelf that you can see in some of my photos and even like a few crystals. And at the time I was telling my wife, I just think they’re neat.
Participant #1:
Eventually I did open up about what I was doing and she joined in and eventually it became like our family alter space and I think it’s so important that we realize that we all start somewhere. And what you see in my photos is literally years of collecting things that are special to me. I didn’t have anything, practically nothing for the longest time and I think that’s actually a really important thing to talk about because I know we’ve talked about this so many times on the podcast about comparing yourself to other people on social media, but you really can’t because I had a thriving practice that has worked incredible for me at the time, just as it does now. And I literally kept all my stuff in a drawer hidden in my bedroom with like three things in it. I think I got most to suffer from it at the Dollar Tree as well because she’s a Dollar Tree queen, live, laugh, love. But I really do want to emphasize that because I know it’s so easy to get hung up on this kind of game of more things equals a better practice, more money spent equals a better practice and that it could not be farther from the truth. And I think for me, when I first started witchcraft, just kind of in general, I wish I had known that because I know I compared social media wasn’t what it is now and I still compared myself to people that I saw at the Metaphysical store or stuff that I saw on angel fire sites and stuff like that, where it was these grand ritualesque altar spaces that I thought I needed and like yes, to some people’s measures. The altar that I have now would feel very grand, but you have to take into kind of consideration that is almost two decades of collecting and adding to it, not three or four months. Yeah. So something to keep in mind, because I know it’s so easy to fall into that hole. Yeah. Especially it’s not even for just like, our altars, but our knowledge, too. You’re not going to learn everything when you just start it’s years and years of reading and exploring and even changing your practice along the way. Robin and our practice have changed even since the pod has started, things have changed and will continue to change. And our altars and knowledge like that are depicted by that. Everyone starts out somewhere, and not everyone has a lot of money to spend on, like, crazy alter adornments and the fact of the matter is that if you consider paganism from 200 years ago, 100 years ago, 50 years ago, the accessibility to these items was not really a thing. And so most pagans and witches made do with what they had or what they could make, and they didn’t really have altars, like, before everything. No, they were their altar. Exactly. And I think that the Internet has created, unfortunately, this really big false, false sense that more money spent equals better spell work, and that does not equate to reality. It doesn’t translate. Yes. It just doesn’t like, where is your alternate now? How has it grown into what it is now? Well, I have several of them now. Yeah, I have several of them now. I have what I consider, like, my family kind of protection alter, which has my giant Vergen de Guadalupe on it, which my child broke. You just needed a new one, mom. Apparently I did get a new one, though, immediately. My spouse is beautiful. My spouse is back and literally bought me a brand new one to replace it. But I consider that kind of the central protection of my home and becomes kind of the altar space for that. I have my working altar, which is dedicated to Santa Morte and is where I do most of my sacred work and is kind of where spirit sits for my home. Now, I have a very tiny home, as we have discussed before, but I have a very tiny home, and therefore I don’t have a lot of space. I also have a space out in the forest that sometimes I will go on walks to and visit and kind of use that to work with and pay patronage to just forest spirits. So for me, the idea of an altar kind of needing to be one thing has expanded in a massive way simultaneously. My altar is out and proud and is a huge part of my home now. And, yeah, it’s a central point of our home. It really is. So I don’t know, in that respect, has changed and when we get moved, it will change again. And I’m excited to see what that looks like. So I think it’s really interesting to see what you do. I have that I can’t wait to take out, so I’m excited to see how that’s going to grow and change. So what about yours? Just like you, I have so many altars now, I only take pictures of three of them. But I have my main altar, my kitchen alter, which is my kitchen alter. I mean, that’s where I do a bunch of deity stuff and where I don’t know just the majority of my spell work and not just kitchen witchery, but I also have my divination alter, my family alter, which is for protection and things like that. Just like you said, I have my money alter, bedroom alter, bathroom alter, and ancestor alter. And I want to stress a few of those alters are very basic. They aren’t my main ones, but they serve their purposes. And
Participant #1:
as I said, I only take pictures of three of them. If I take pictures of the other people, probably like, that’s an altar. But to me, that’s why I put stuff there for purpose of being an altar. But yeah, just the same as you, just continuing to grow and expand and
Participant #1:
started. When I first started, and I’m sure a lot of people will relate to this, is that I was a teenager, the only thing I had available to me was wicca and wicken books. And so even though I am not somebody who is a traditional wicked or a ceremonialist in any way, when I first started, I really thought I had to adhere to like, putting things in the specific positions of the watchtowers. And like, I really always made sure to have all four elements on my altar at all times and in a way that is still happening on my altar. I still have like incense air, a candle, fire, you know what I mean? I still have all these things, but those things are there for most times different reasons now than when I first started. When I first started, it wasn’t really I didn’t have a purpose for me, if that makes sense. I was like, well, I got to represent error. So I’ve got my incense where now incense aren’t offering to the dead and that’s why I have incense on my altar. It just also happens to correlate with the air elements. Yeah, I want to work with the elements. I’ll bring stuff out for that purpose. I don’t leave it out all the time. I don’t know, just the whole wicked setup has never resonated with me. And mine is more like a cultivation of it has become like a reflection of who I am as a witch and what I love and what makes me feel it is like what makes me feel what would cultivate a magical space or look like a magical space? Absolutely. Yeah. And oh, no, I just feel like altars really are a depiction of like a witch in their craft and they’re just really fun to pick out certain pieces and not feel like you have to adhere to certain things. I mean, some people need that and that’s completely valid, but I’m more like, I don’t know, I have my own thing and that’s what makes my altars feel magical to me. And I think that’s what’s important when cultivating an altar. Yeah. So what was the next thing that I wrote down? Oh, yeah. Where do you recommend finding all your decorations? Thrift stores. Same thrift stores, dollar General and thrift stores. Listen, I think that metaphysical shops are incredible. I love them, I go to them and I oftentimes will buy myself little things. Like, for example, if you want to work with crystals, you are unlikely to find crystals at a thrift store. Doesn’t mean you can’t, it just you’re unlikely to. So there are certain things that I feel like metaphysical stores are the only option for. If you can afford to shop semi exclusively at a metaphysical store, I say, hell fucking yeah. Support those small businesses. But if you can’t, thrift stores are the shit. You can get silver platters there. You can get candle holders, you can get sometimes candles we’ve talked about before having symbolism on alters. If you are not somebody who is totally open with what you’re doing but wants to keep an altar kind of in the central hub of the home, you can find symbols for whoever you’re paying patronage to throw stores are the shit. Twelve out of ten they are. Yeah. People are often surprised when I say I don’t spend much money on my alters, like the decorations and stuff like that. Most of it is like thrifted, as you said, second hand finds gifts and like with the odd actual full price purchase. I don’t like to spend money on myself. I will easily go to the thrift store and spend something on myself. But if I’m going to buy something for my altar and spend a lot of money on something, it’s going to be something that’s super special that I have thought on for a very long time. Like a statue or something like that. Absolutely. Yeah. But you can find as long as you’re willing to go, like thrifting and find secondhand and even go to flea markets or things like that, you’re giving something a second life. And I think that’s so important. Like, that thing might have ended up in a dump. So technically you’re also serving the earth as well by not like, buying something new. Does that make sense? Yeah. And then it’s like you’re also finding like unique things that aren’t really around anywhere so your altar won’t look like everybody else’s. You can make it more unique to yourself. Yeah. If you’re up in the north, in the US, people find cauldrons at the thrift stores, which is psychotic. I love that. But I have never gone to the thrift store and found a cauldron, and I’m like, what fucking thrift stores are you guys going in that you just waltz in and you find a $60 call room for five new England. It’s New England. I am so jealous. It’s no fair. I’m so jealous. But even my divination table, like, alter yeah, that was second hand. And you can’t find anything like that now. I love thrifting. I love it so much. Me too. And then the last thing that you wrote down for us just discussed is tips for closet witches or traveling witches. Why don’t you go first? So actually, I want to bring up something that someone in the discord has done. They have this basket that’s like a cube shape and even has a lid for it, and they put, like, all their stuff in there and they can use the lid as, like, a portable altar. Like, they can set up on the lid. I just think that is so crappy and so cute because you can easily put it away if guests are coming over and also keep it away from, like, animals, things like that. And she even, like, takes it with her to travel, I think she said. And I was like, that’s so smart. I want one that’s really smart. Gray in the discord also had they had like, the altoid tin, I believe it was gray have the altoid tin travel alter. And that was the first time I’d seen somebody actually do one that I was like, yeah, I get it now. I get how you’re doing that and getting all that stuff in there that I was able to make my own, and I made like, three of them. Now, I think that those are so brilliant. But simultaneously, even though it’s a travel alter and it’s like, discrete, I don’t see why they couldn’t be used for somebody who’s not public with their practice, you know what I mean? Because it’s so small. And I think it’s really easy, especially with how design is going now. Like, to have an altar and no one knows it’s an altar. You just have some candles set up and someone be like, oh, that’s a pretty set up. You don’t want to have a beautiful piece of the car. Yeah, you don’t have to have blatant witches symbols and stuff up all the time. You can bring that stuff out for spellwork. You don’t have to feel like you’ve got to do it, in my opinion. Yeah, no, I agree with you. Although I am coming from a privileged place where I can keep mine up at all times, there is absolutely nothing wrong with putting stuff away. And that’s part of why cabinet alters are so great, because the whole thing you have, you can protect and you can store those things safely and discreetly inside where it’s not out all the time, but simultaneously, you aren’t, like, shoving it in just, like, some shoe box and in the closet. You know what I mean? Yeah, definitely. So something to consider? Yeah, we’ll see. If I revisit the old altar article. Lord, I don’t even want to know what it says, but they said we’ve grown. We can send you cheaper. Okay. I want problems always. Maria’s. Grown. I have not grown at all as a person or as a witch. I disagree.
Participant #1:
Yeah. Coming from an author. Okay. Keep it to yourself, woman. We all know you’re successful. You’re right. I am. And I’m so pretty too. Thank you for bringing that to my attention.
Participant #1:
So, Robin, what is stirring your culture this week? I am never going to not find it today. We will be on season 17, and I’ll be like, extra. There’s so much pollen in the air right now. I feel so stuffed up, and I’m, like, trying to be all sensual. I do not feel sensual right now. So Fleming, guys, and it’s so hot. So speaking of pollen, what is stirring my cold run this week is that it’s not winter anymore. I hate winter so fucking much for a wide variety of reasons. I do not like winter. I don’t like it’s cold. I don’t like to have to shovel snow. I hate ice. My husband can’t go cycling outside and he gets all stir crazy. I do not like winter. But spring has sprung, baby, and that means that I can go on walks outside with my child. Love that. Love the sun. The other day, it was nice enough outside that I was wearing shorts. My kid was wearing shorts, and we were out on the grass just enjoying the nice day. Ten out of ten would do again. Will do again. I needed that. You know what I mean? Yeah. I mean, I won’t experience that until fall, but I love that for you. The green stuff is fucking disgusting and so bad. No, that’s fair. See, we don’t get the pollen waves here, the pine pollen, until usually May. So I have this little pocket of, like, mid March to the end of April where the world is perfect. The weather is not too hot, it’s not too cold. There’s no, like, pine pollen heaving everything. All you need is maybe a cardigan, and life is just thriving. And I love that. I am so glad that spring is here. And it’s the same thing happens in fall as well. You have, like, a month and a half there where everything is perfect. I just love it. Yeah. I would rather have winter back. I’ve got vitamin D coming from the sun. I might even not take my pills for a few days. We’ll see.
Participant #1:
Ten out of ten,
Participant #1:
so make room. I’m going to actually enjoy spring. You’re ridiculous. If you look up pollen and type in gifts, I’m pretty sure it shows pollen in South Carolina. Like, actual one. That was a gift that was shot in South Carolina and it’s disgusting. Yeah. Why do you live there? I don’t know. Robin. What? Are you expecting to have an answer for this? I don’t know. I don’t know anymore. Get me out. I want to go with you. All right. You’re welcome. You’re invited. Okay.
Participant #1:
So, Maria, what’s not stirring her cauldron? Thank you so much for asking your essential woman. It’s happening anyway. So what is not stirring my cauldron is actually Elon Musk potentially lighting up the sky with ads. Our night sky with ads. Could you believe this is an actual thing that they’ve been reporting since last year? I don’t know if it’s actually going to happen, but I don’t know if he’s already set one up. But a satellite in the sky to show basically logos and stuff in the night sky. So when you look up, you’re like, oh, there’s CocaCola. Because he thinks it’s going to revolutionize ads. As you said earlier when I was talking to you about this Dystopian and Dystopian. It’s in my mirror. Yeah. And when I think about it, it makes me want to cry. Just I couldn’t. That would be depressing. Yeah. We talk about the night sky, and it’s just a huge part of our practices and that actually happening, which is I don’t know. It hurts my soul. Yeah, it’s just a lot. It’s honestly such a lot. I mean, I can totally see it happening in the future. You think just because, oh, yeah, commercialism and all that, it’s not going anywhere. If anything is just going to get worse. We are beyond late stage capitalism at this point. Yeah. We already have a bunch of space garbage up there, so space garbage. Why not just add, you know, an ad to the sky? I’ll be honest with how destructive humans are in general. I am very surprised that our garbage is not launched into a rocket into space, like once a month. Did it Bezos say that he wanted to do that? Of course he fucking did. I don’t know if he said that or not, but if anybody was going to say, it would be fucking Jeff Bezos.
Participant #1:
But I don’t know. It just makes me very upset to think about I could not imagine, like, I don’t know. Guys should just be left alone. Damage. What if we launched our trash into space and then the vacuum of space sent it back? And that’s how Americans, like, you say Americans, because Americans are such a capitalist fucking country. But that’s how humanity died, because our own trash, like the dinosaurs. That’s terrible. I don’t know why I’m laughing. I can’t imagine.
Participant #1:
I mean, us fucking propelling our space junk. Like, yeah, we just send it out there. Maybe it’ll land on Venus.
Participant #1:
No thanks. I like how the worst people were talking about of course they’re the ones saying it. Like, we have Musk and Jeffrey
Participant #1:
psycho. Absolutely. Psychoan. Musk has like 1000 kids. I don’t know if he has a thousand. I might be like, what? I know he has like, three with the previous wife and then he has 212-34-5678. He has eight children. Oh, no, good for him, I guess. But they appear to almost all be boys. And that sounds crazy having that many boys.
Participant #1:
I mean, they take after mom. Hopefully they have really good nannies that raise them to be normal children. Let’s be honest here, they’re not raising their own kids. Love that energy for you, though. Love that you put that kind of thought into that. What’s not stirring our cauldrons is elon Musk. Everything about him. Goddamn Musk.
Participant #1:
If you have just joined us this week, every single week we talk about creators that we are loving right now. And I’m not going to chastise everyone this episode. I’m not going to do it. And I feel like at this point, if you don’t know that we’re going to make fun of you if you ask to be on here listening to it anyway, you’re not even listening to it. And for people who are listening, I’m not going to keep chastizing. I’ve decided to move on from it. I’ve decided
Participant #1:
I will bring it back. So this is the last time that I will ever sit it’s the last time, but you’ve been warned and that was a lie. That is not true. I’ve decided I’m going to move away from it because most of the things that we’ve been getting recently have been from clearly people who don’t listen. So why do you guys need to hear that every time we’re moving away from it? It’s been three years. So that being said, Maria, who are you taking this week? So I just recently got the Embordered Graveyard Oracle. I love that. I know, it’s a freaking beautiful deck. If you love foil, oh, it’s amazing. If you love salin and the whole October season, this deck is 100% for you. You can either use this deck for in lieu of like a Ouija board, like spare communication. It’s specifically made for spare communication. Or you could just use it as a normal Oracle deck. But they have like cards, like grandmother, grandfather, ancestors. I have one coming and I’m literally so excited about it. I’m so excited about this deck. Yeah, I think it’s really fun and such a great idea. And they even have like a hello and Goodbye deck card. So you could be like, okay, I’m done. Goodbye. If you don’t feel comfortable just like, leaving communication open because I know that’s a lot of things that a lot which is, like, worry about is like, leaving spare communication open and like something like slipping through. So if you feel more comfortable being like, okay, I’m done, and then putting down the Good buy card and then that’s you wrapping up the session, the deck has that and they even have like, goodbye too on the oh, my God. What am I trying to say? The boxes deck. So when you close it, there’s a good buy tab. So you’re like literally closing it off? Oh, no, I just think it’s a great idea and a very beautiful deck. Yeah, I’m really excited for mine to show up. I’m excited for you to get it. So who you’ve been loving? I am actually loving a friend of mine, the red headed witch, also known as Autumn. She has a thing coming out. It’s actually launching tomorrow that we record this. I think it’ll be the same day. It comes out on the 1 April called Folk Craft Goods. And I think it’s so cute. It’s so cute. She’s selling potions that are like syrups for coffee and tea, and they’re all intentionally focused. So like prosperity, tranquility. She’s also got healing or healing. She had tea blends that she’s coming out with the same sort of thing each one is. I don’t want to say that though, because she’s not nervous. I think that would be incorrect. The word just popped in my head. Okay, I’m sorry. Anyway, I think it’s really cool. Her branding for it is so cute. I’m very obsessed and I hope that she has a lot of success in that. I think it’s all very cute and I would like to have some now. Thank you. Please and thank you. Please and thank you.
Participant #1:
Thank you all for joining us today. We hope that we will see you again on April 15 for our 7th episode of season three. Or you can catch us on the in between for coffee talk. We had actually picked next month’s topic, so I guess we’ll discuss that after this. Think about it. You can also keep an eye out on our Instagrams and or our Twitter. Follow us there at coffeeandcldrenspot or Coffee and Coldrons on Twitter. Or you can just go to our website,, for more information. And I’m losing my voice, so I’m going to try to say this. Or you can join us on our discord here, which is First Kevin on Patreon, so we can answer your question next time in our part too. If you’re loving Coffee and cauldrons, please take a moment to review us on Apple podcasts and as well as on Spotify. We definitely appreciate it and it helps get our podcast out there for other listeners and we do read them. For everybody who writes, we read them and we discuss it and we really appreciate it. So thank you. You would even get to hear our lovely sensual voices for an additional 30 minutes episode if you join the Patreon casting tier and up. So again, this is Coffee and Cauldrons with Robin Formatired Witch on Instagram. And I’m Maria from Atmosphere Can on Instagram. You ready?
Participant #1: