Participant #1:
I forgot what we were saying. What were we saying?
Participant #1:
I know, right? Okay, I’m just going to count to ten and then after ten we’ll start over. Well, not start over, but 123-4567.
Participant #1:
So welcome to episode 28 of season two. He thought I was going to do it all sexy, but I was. I did. So if you just join, this is Maria at Maria Durkin on Instagram and I’m joined by the episode lovely Robin of a Tired Witch on Instagram. Oh, hello.
Participant #1:
If you have just joined us this week, every single week we talk about upcoming lunar phases and what that means for our magical practice. That being said, this is not a check in on your personal current astrological chart and what that could mean. It just shows us what the lunar phases and kind of how we can utilize that for our magical practices. So that being said, on November 19, we have a lunar eclipse. It is going to be a lunar eclipse in Taurus. Lunar eclipses in general are really powerful moons. They kind of utilize all the lunar phases in one. So we typically similar to like a blue moon. We save these phases for our extra gusto spellwork. So aside from the Taurus aspect of the moon, you can just pretty much use this moon to kick some serious magical ass. In terms of the Taurus moon, we’re going to be utilizing energies like lack of action in our life and how to kind of get the ball rolling, anything that we find roadblocks with or stubbornness in our relationships. And we are also going to be tackling aspects like materialism or just kind of prosperity in general. So this is a really good time to focus on magic that has to do with kind of creating a stable future for ourselves. So whether that is maybe you’re planning to move or you need a better job or a job promotion or you just really want to get some extra cash, this is a really good time to do magic in revolving around that sort of thing. To be frank, this is a really good especially with it being an eclipse, this is a really good time to do magic that is like all about overindulgence living deliciously, if you will. Yeah, like the lady on the nine of pentacles that keeps coming up. This is your black Philip moon is what I’m trying to say. I know that this is probably going to bring up conversation in social media about eclipses. I don’t know if you guys remember the last clips and the intensity we’re going to call it of people’s opinions regardless of historical context or not use it, don’t use it, but if you are going to use it, this is how I would do it. Yeah, I’m going to do I really like tourist lunar eclipses for doing prosperity work. Like when the moon is waning, I will do blockage removal and then when it starts to go full again. What? Money flow and stuff like that. So I’ll do another spell for money flow and for continual money flow. So it’s like sustainable money. I love that. Yeah, that’s nice.
Participant #1:
I say go out there, do some magic, live deliciously, live your best life, have fun with it.
Participant #1:
I was going to say it for you because I heard it and I bet you all listening thought I was going to say it, but I didn’t. So really, at the end of the day, isn’t that a reflection of you? Not a reflection of me. Just think about it. I don’t know, I’m just sitting right here, live, laugh, loving. I mean, it’s fine now. It’s in Maria’s head. Yes, thanks. Listen, I’m not trying to say that I’m an insidious individual, but every once in a while anyway, you guys, why don’t you go live, laugh, love? This November 19 for the tourists. You’re welcome. Yes.
Participant #1:
So if you just started listening to us, every podcast, we talk about a random tarot card. We go over the universal meaning and then our own interpretations of the cards. So hearing other people’s opinions helps beginners form their own urban. Those who have been practicing for a while expand their views on other meetings. So this week we are talking about the Ace of wands reversed. So on this card, upright, you see a hand jetting out of the cloud, holding wand. Like all wands that represent growth, it is very obviously phallic shaped. On our skin is shaped wand. You see branches with touches of new leaves growing on them. And in the background you can see a castle, rolling hills, a river and trees. The key words of this card reversed are lack of direction, motivation and delays. Well, almost always for myself, it depends on what’s around this card when it pops up reversed. But I find more often than not, that it warns us not to give into escapism, that we need to grow roots, stay grounded, build on what we already have and what we’ve already created, and to finish what we start. The ones for me are about life path and growth. And sometimes the biggest obstacle that we run into when it comes to these things are like boredom, restlessness, or just wanting to get to a place that we haven’t quite worked towards quite yet. This card asks you not to give into those pools of escapism that now isn’t the time to go on a new adventure. Grow where you are or you’ll be starting over and you have to work back up towards where you once were. Now, alternatively, or even additionally, this car tends to look like a thumbs down, which means it tells you not to go forward with something. Now, all of our ideas for growth or life paths can work out, and this card is just giving you the heads up about it before you get in over your head. So how do you view this card wrapping? So, you know, when the card is up, right? It speaks of, like, sparks of idea, clarity, that sort of thing. When I see it in reverse, that clarity turns into haste and that haste becomes making, like, ill thought out, unclear, hasty decisions. And because of that, you might have really, really good ideas, but the follow through is not as it should be. Let’s say for me, it’s really just kind of like rushed, ill thought out thinking that has, like, maybe a really good idea. But poor planning, as my husband always says, poor planning creates piss poor performance. That is discard and in, like, really extreme cases, I’ve seen this mostly in my day job, but it has come up enough times that it’s worth mentioning. Okay, now, how you talked about the card being very phallic in nature, this card in reverse, on a rare occasion, I have seen it come up in association to, like, sexual problems or empathy. Oh, my God, I can’t speak. You know what I mean? You said it, right? Yes, those sort of things. Maybe a Viagra is needed, you know what I’m saying? Or your partner is not performing in the bedroom in a way that leads to any kind of satisfaction. So this doesn’t come up that often in this. But because of its phallic nature, I have seen it come up a few times, so it’s worth noting. That’s really interesting. It makes a lot of sense. Yeah. I mean, obviously it is also in context of other cards that we see around it and everything else, but I have seen it.
Participant #1:
So, going off our topic of discussion from our coffee talk, we thought we would talk about, well, hexing before we jump in. How would you define hexa? Well, for me, there is a variety of different, like I call them tiers to the band full magic that one is performing. So to me, hexting is slightly bigger than an inconvenience, but not as detrimental, damaging, or permanent as a curse. Jinxing is like an inconvenience. Cursing is something that takes so much energy, it’s so detrimental, one might need it to be completely cleansed off of them, et cetera. They might need outside help to get rid of it. So hex is on the in between. It is much more serious than a jinx, but usually will go away on its own in time. Yeah, I view it the same. The use of bamboo’s magic to help justice along in magically inflicting misfortune on a person. You are directing energy towards what the intention deposits. Magical misfortune. That’s a good way to put it. And it sounds fun to say magical.
Participant #1:
When do you think it’s personally a wrong or right time to hex? That is so subjective. Well, listen, I know that just for you personally, not for other people. For me personally, I think it’s always the right time to heck somebody. Listen, I actually don’t perform painful magic that often, but this is my moral justification on it. If you have pissed me off so badly that I’m even considering it because my brain never goes there first. In fact, it’s one of those things that often times I will look back on the situation and be like, why didn’t I just think the heck? Do you know what I mean? So for me, yeah, because going towards Baneful magic is very much so, not even close to my first line of defense, if I’ve even considered it, that enough is justification for me. Like, you’ve obviously wronged me so badly that I’m even considering that as a path to go down. Clearly I’m justified because I don’t think like that. Yes, Robin will quickly put nail polish all of your photo and then light it on fire. I was thinking,
Participant #1:
yeah. So for myself, I don’t take hexing lightly. Something that relatively big has to happen in order for me to do it. Like, I would never hex someone who say, let’s beat me out on a job or text someone for having something that I don’t like some immature people in our community would. But now I do not at all believe in the threefold rule, but I do find that petty hexing usually has consequences or at least the energy can be returned to the person in some way. But I do believe, like, sometimes it will come back and hit you under certain circumstances where it wasn’t warranted. But when I do choose a hex, it is because someone is being intentionally cruel with intent to harm me or a loved one, either emotionally or physically, or if someone steals something from me. But luckily I don’t have that many situations where that happens often. When that happened and you got it, I can think of but luckily that doesn’t happen too often. But when they do, like, I tend to have like a sliding scale of how bad the hex is. Like the people who cause me physical harm or loved ones harm will get the worst of it. Like hands down that someone stealing something from me will get just like any little bitty, like little things. Like how you can recall something. I’m going to out you right now. I can remember time that a piece of jewelry of yours was missing at a bowling alley. No, it was a restaurant. I left it. Yeah, no, look, like any person eating wings, my ring at the table
Participant #1:
ring. My wife had gone and I was so beautiful. Yeah, I was gold, obsidian and it was absolutely beautiful and I loved it so much and I was so pissed that no one fessed up to having it. I was so mad. I was so mad.
Participant #1:
Specifically, would you say in your viewpoint is not a time to hack somebody? Then what is your moral compass on that? Then
Participant #1:
someone has something I’m extremely jealous of someone I’m not going to hex them for being jealous. I am old enough to be like, well, you’re kind of like being very jealous and envious of this person. It does not warrant, like, inflicting pain on this person because I really I feel like I don’t know that’s, like, when hexing goes wrong, in my opinion. How about you? I have the first preface of fact that a lot of people say things like, oh, I don’t want my spell to backfire, right? I don’t want it to come back to me. And I found this to be really interesting because you know how the other day I did an Instagram post that was based off of a tweet that I did where I was like, what are your views on drinking? Hexing, cursing. And a lot of the responses, people were saying that they are worried about it coming back to them. Right? And I don’t believe in that. When we hold this idea of whatever you put out, you get back, right? In terms of your energy. People often bring up stuff like karma, and that is not what karma is. Karma is a belief system that is rooted in Buddhism and Hinduism. Hello, Robin. And it’s like so much more complicated than just, oh, I did something bad, so something bad came back and hit me. Came back to me. Karma is also like the life pass.
Participant #1:
It’s something that follows you into the next lifetime if you believe in reincarnation. It’s so much more complicated than that. And I think that people throw around the word karma without really understanding what that word means. And simultaneously, I would argue that the idea that I haven’t hexed right because I’m worried about it backfiring and coming back to me or it catching up with me, I believe aligns really closely to our ideas of, like, heaven and hell and sinning. I mean, sinning definition is I’ve done something bad. I haven’t said sorry to the priest, and so I’m going to go to hell, right? This bad thing is going to happen to me. And I know that I’m getting very ancient aliens about this right now, but the fact that it kept coming up so many times it did to me bring up the question at least, do people still hold this sort of accidental notion of if I’m bad, if I am, quote, spiritually bad, not bad like done a murder because that is objectively morally bad, but if I’m quote spiritually bad, will I spiritually pay for it? Do you know what I mean? Which is, in my opinion, the definition of sinning from a nonchristian viewpoint. Of course, I’m sure people who are Christian hold a different viewpoint on that anyway. So where I’m going with all this is that I don’t personally view that there is not a time that you can’t text because I don’t believe in things like spells backfiring. For example. I’ve had spells that have worked, haven’t worked, I’ve had spells that I was too specific on, it worked too well, and then that was not good in its own its own respect. I got too much of what I wanted, let’s say. But I’ve never, in my knowledge had a spell quote backfire. I’ve had it not work. I’ve had myself doing the spell wrong, let’s say, like being the super specific, but I’ve never had one backfire. And so to me, my personal views on when not to text has nothing to do with the moral compass of should I, shouldn’t I? But instead it says, is this worth my time and energy? I think that when spells do backfire, let’s say it’s because if you’re doing a hex towards someone and they have a board or like a mirror spell, you’re going to get it back, right? No, totally. But then that isn’t, in my opinion, the spell itself backfiring. That’s just somebody’s wards working. And I think that is a part of the conversation that people seem to leave out, I guess. Or at least I feel like they’re leaving out. I don’t know.
Participant #1:
I do kind of disagree just because I do feel like the universe does make us pay in things that we do and texting. There’s always energy exchange. So there might be a repercussion for doing something sure, but there’s also repercussion for doing something good, right? I don’t know. For me, I always feel like if it’s justified in my own personal viewpoint, then that’s that oh, yeah, if it’s justified, that’s that right. You say that. If it’s justified, then who is the moral guide for if it’s justified or not? If we have the conversation of like, I feel like if you put out bad stuff, there’s a potential for it to come back, right? Then there has to be some sort of golden rule here as to what is and what isn’t justified. And a personal opinion, especially when you’re the victim, let’s say, is not a clear scope of whether or not something is or isn’t justified. It’s like it’s such a philosophical question, right? And that’s why I choose to just ignore all of it and say, is it worth my time and energy? If the answer is yes, then I’ll do it. If the answer is no, then I won’t. But it has nothing to do with what I put out coming back to me because I feel like all of it is such a subjective moral compass. It’s that expression was chaos to the fly as normal to the spider, right? It’s all about perspective. And if you are, for example, let’s use the ring that went missing, maybe that person thought it was theirs, let’s say, like they were like, oh, did I set this here or is this my mom’s? And they picked it up and they didn’t even mean to steal it. Do you know what I mean? Now, I don’t think that’s what happened. I’m giving a hypothetical situation here but just based off of something we talked about. Then you could totally argue the fact that you hexing them, they were accidentally doing it, they didn’t mean to. And then that is like, oh, I do want to say before I did the spell itself involved like a puppet and it was like,
Participant #1:
oh my gosh, it’s been so long since I did it. But basically the guilt that they felt for taking it would be there. But that was the heck. It wasn’t that they’d be in pain or anything, they would just have this they need to get rid of it because it’s something that we’ve talked about. For example, what if you had a friend whose boyfriend, let’s say, cheated on them and you were like let’s Texas asshole, right? But then come to find out like, that isn’t exactly the truth. You know what I mean? And you are doing that. This is just a hypothetical example, but that sort of stuff has happened before where somebody hasn’t exactly told the truth because they’re upset and now you as a bystander are doing something because you think you’re helping your friend when in reality your friend hasn’t exactly been truthful. And so I just I just feel like it’s all so subjective based off of who you’re asking. Do you know what I mean? That I personally no, that totally makes sense. It’s so subjective. I don’t know. I don’t think there ever is a time to. Not unless I don’t give a shit enough to put the energy into it. Yes. I think one of the biggest things I tell newer witches that are trying to find their belief systems within their practices and stuff like that forget what you have already learned in the past. Now, what do you believe? What is your moral compass? Like what is wrong to you? What is right to you? You have to personally fill it out yourself. That’s a really good bit of advice to give somebody because I think it is so much more subjective than a simple yes or no answer. And I think the people who give the impersonation or idea as though it is a black and white answer like that are not entirely being honest. So in order to avoid texting, what are some of your alternatives? Blessing myself. I bless myself.
Participant #1:
Kind of like how you can prevent where you won’t feel like you have to hire someone. Does that make sense? I think so. How often? Go ahead. Sorry, go ahead. I think like mere spells and protection wards are great. They’re meant to stop things that lead to hexagon in general. I know I mentioned a few times in the pod but I keep a mirror on my altar that I respell and charge during the full moon with a specific purpose and it reflects that energy back towards anyone who wants to do me harm magically or even if they are like someone with ill intent is gossiping about me. And I have household protection spells and even carry protection spells on me while I’m on the go. I personally have words and protections up, ones I both carry with me and ones that live in my house and stuff like that. And that is for me, at least, something I feel confident in. It being a protection. I always get leery of being like, I feel so confident in this because I feel like I’m asking for somebody to be like, yeah, bitch, let’s see about it. I feel like things do slip in sometimes. I think that’s why people get really I don’t know, really confused, like what their protection stuff isn’t working. Maybe it kind of tapered off how bad it was going to get, you know what I mean? But nothing’s perfect, right? And we just have to keep doing everything in the best of our ability to keep that bad stuff at bay. Yeah, I totally agree. That’s how I personally try to protect myself. I think really, when it comes down to it, that having words up and stuff like that really is the only way that you can protect yourself. And I also think it’s worth bringing up the fact that a lot of people will say, I think I’m cursed. I think I’ve been hexed. You know, in my 1 million years of doing this legitimately, taking the time to heck somebody, I’ve probably done less than a dozen times or done any Bainfield magic on. I know that we’re sat here, we’re having jokes about the fact, like, I always think it’s justified. But in reality, going back to that, is it worth the energy? For me? Most of the time it’s not. And I think that as practitioners, it’s really easy to fall down this kind of rabbit hole of somebody’s curse. To me, that’s why this is going wrong. In reality, it’s probably just bad luck. Yeah. Like it has happened. Like bad days happen, bad weeks happen, bad luck. It won’t hex you or will hex you, but you have to assume the fact that the person is not only a practitioner of magic, but that they give enough of a shit about you to take the time and energy to do Bainful magic on you, as well as the combination of knowing what they’re doing and having enough energy to do that nine times out of ten and then they aren’t. Yeah, well, I completely agree with you, but I do feel like nonmagical people actually can throw out their energy and intentionally not like full on hex, but wanting harm. Yeah, wanting harm. And that enough energy could cause some shit to happen. But hopefully, as you said, with it being a non magical practitioner, that it won’t be as bad, especially if you have wards and stuff up. I mean, that should be pretty help you. I agree. I agree. It really at the end of the day, right, that’s all you can do. And then you should just if you think something’s going on, do a cleansing, do a cleansing, do a reversal, do a mirror spell, whatever. Yeah. And I highly recommend like salt bath. And then I also like to use charcoal soap in those situations. Just kind of like draw whatever is attached to you. I can recommend that sea grape apothecary that we talked about before. They’re soap. They’ve got a charcoal one that I have that is amazing. Low charcoal soap. Last question, what are your favorite hexing ingredients? Oh, God. Lemons, obviously.
Participant #1:
But in reality, I mean, if I’m going to do something really serious to somebody, I’m going to go all out. So we’re going to have the coffin nails. We’re going to have clay poppets, wax poppets. I sometimes will take candles and I will melt and carve them into a pocket for the purpose of it, needles and all that. But I’m in a silly goofy mood, you know what I mean?
Participant #1:
But I like to make my flower poppets. Obviously they’re just made out of flour and water and I let them dry for an hour, hours. But I click thorns nails and like dead wasps. And I like to use penis candles and stirred situations. Oh my God, I’ve used that before as well. Yes. Ghost pepper. I mean spit. Yeah. To it all. Goofy moon.
Participant #1:
I say go forth and prosper. Gang. You know, at the end of the day, all you could do is your best. So think about that. Yes. And be a nice person. Be a good person. It doesn’t mean that you get to be a doormat. And it’s okay to say, you know what, I’m justified in doing this because of XYZ and going for it. So you do you, gang. Yes.
Participant #1:
But don’t be assholes. Yeah, don’t be an asshole. Nobody likes an asshole. Nobody likes it.
Participant #1:
So Maria Cold here right now, let me tell you. So everyone’s going to hate me for this topic, but it’s fine. So I am loving that winter solstice and you’ll is right around the corner. It is getting actually pretty chilly here in South Carolina. I think next week it’s going to be like high 50s, low thirty s. Twenty s. And I already have many of my decorations up, even though probably take me all a month to get it completed because your girl tries to use her spoons wisely. Now before anyone comes for me, my family and I don’t celebrate Thanksgiving and also like celebrating winter. November through February 2 used to be a thing in like the Middle Ages and even a little while after it. So where my family and I this time of year is like the littlest about gifts and such. It’s more about being freaking cozy and enjoying the lights of the tree and of course the time we devote to family togetherness and stuff like that. And we have many big breakfasts, watch movies and practice kitchen witchery together. And then it’s like our family what’s the word? Tradition to have. Like, on Christmas Eve, we have this huge chocolate and appetizer feast and light all the candles in the house, to fill the house with light to combat the darkness. And it’s not this mad rush that many people make it out to be this time of year. We actually do what you’re supposed to do around this even. It’s like, chill. You take a backseat. You’re not, like, doing a million different things on your voice. You’re valid a lot of stuff going on. Yeah, it’s just, like, insanely magical, and I’m really looking forward to it. It’s amazing. I love that. Thank you. I’m excited to relax. Yeah, you deserve to relax. You deserve it. Thanks, mom. I don’t know. For me, this is, like, the super magical time of the year because I feel like I have the time to devote to my practice. I find myself less on social media and on my phone, which I think helps a lot. Yeah. I don’t know. I really like this time of year. Yeah. I do not like how dark it is, but otherwise I agree. I love it. It’s so nice. It’s like 709. I’m like, good night. I know. My wife and I were talking, we were like, wow, it’s 05:00, I’m not going anywhere. It’s like, ten.
Participant #1:
But I like it because that means I get to turn out all the lights in my house early because the inside of my house is decorated like people’s outside of their houses. It’s fine, actually. Oh, my gosh.
Participant #1:
So, Robin, what is not stirring your cauldron this week? That was not very sexy. I mean, it wasn’t your sexiest, but I’m definitely going to say it was, like, top ten for sure.
Participant #1:
What is not stirring my cauldron is social media. Specifically, the Scammers. I am so fucking sick of them. I reported, as of this morning, twelve of them. Now in 30 days. Twelve in 30 days. And Instagram is like, pinky. That’s fine. I’m losing my fucking mind. I don’t know what else to do anymore. But I don’t mean in terms of the Scammers themselves. What I don’t know what to do anymore is for the viewers like you, the viewers who are sending me messages and are like, is this you? Please? No, it is not me. That’s just making me crazy. I’ve made Instagram post after Instagram, post after story, post after IG TV, after fucking everything. And what’s bothering me about it is the fact that my content is now having to shift. And it’s no longer just like, witchcraft content. It is content where I’m having to remind people, like, that I am not a Scammer, or that the Scammers aren’t me, like, every five fucking days. And that’s what’s making me crazy. You’re better person than me, because I’ve just given up. It is what it is. And then on top of that. I guess the other thing that’s upsetting me is I turned off my email notification DMs for, like, what, six months, and then I turned them back on as a way to try to combat the scammers, right? Because I figure then people can DM me and they can tell me that so and so is scamming and I can post about it. And people are sending me really nasty messages because I’m not responding to them. Like, when there’s a scammer pretending to be me, just for reference, guys, I probably get, like, 250 messages in a 24 hours period of people that are being great and got kind and wonderful, and they’re letting me know that this person has been scamming me, which is great. I have no qualms in that. But simultaneously, I literally cannot respond to all of them. Like, I’ve got a job. I’ve got a newborn. I am literally packing up my entire life to move to a foreign country. Don’t send me a mean ass fucking. That’s what it is. Don’t send me a mean message being like, you don’t even respond to my shit. I do my best to respond to as many as I can in the small window of time that I have for social media every day. I know it maybe looks like, ironically, I’m online or something, but I actually am only on my phone, according to my little tracker, about an hour and a half every day that’s broken up between multiple apps. Like, please stop being mean to me because I didn’t respond to your message. I’m doing my best, and it sucks because I have my DM shut off, but apparently people can still send me messages on Instagram. That doesn’t make sense. That doesn’t make sense at all. So I get, like, mean comments like, you haven’t responded to my DM. It’s in my bio. I really do try to get back to everybody’s stuff. And like I’ve said multiple times, like, if it’s something really important, email me, please. Like, let’s say, for example, I did something problematic or unkind, please email me so I know, because your DM very likely will get lost in a sea of other DMs. And although I do my best, I am a human being. I don’t know, just the mixture. No, you’re not a human being. You’re omnipresent. The scammers partnered with people being really mean to me because I’m missing stuff. I’m in a funk about all of it. If I’m being really honest, it makes it really difficult to create content when what’s the point? It’s just going to get fucking scammed, and then I’m going to get yelled at by 20 people because I didn’t see their message and they got their shit scammed. I don’t know. It’s just really honest. Yeah, honestly, there’s not much that me or you or people who are getting impersonated can really do. The only reason why they keep making these accounts is because people keep falling for it. And all you can do is quit falling for it and stop paying these people, because I know they’re getting away with it and making a ton of money from it. Yeah. And the thing is that don’t give for example, you know, my name is Robin. You know that I have a business tired, which stop sending your money to fucking Jane Sue at 21 at Gmail on PayPal. Please have a little discernment, guys. And then if you fall for it, which is unfortunate and horrible, and I don’t want that happen to anybody, don’t fucking yell at me because you fell for it when I’ve done a ton of stuff to try to help everyone protect themselves. I mean, just today, Marie and I were talking about it. Just today I’ve had a report. Five accounts pretending to be me. Five. And it’s like an hour long process to report each one. I’m doing my best and my part. I’m not a verbal punching bag. Don’t fucking take it out on me. And I don’t know, it’s getting me very frustrated and making me not, like, want to be on the Internet. I am really sorry if you got that, but ultimately that’s not my fault. Anyway, that’s where I’m at with that it’s activating.
Participant #1:
So if you just followed us, everything we talked about, creators that we are loving right now, this could be shops, Instagram, books, art, photography, I mean, fucking anything. These are things that we have found that we are loving right now. This is organic finding. Please stop emailing us asking to be on here. I’m looking at the email that’s bumped itself five times in our email right now. Stop it.
Participant #1:
So that being said, Maria, my darling love, so what are you loving right now? So I don’t have my hands on it yet, but it’s very tourist like full moon energy. It’s called Karina’s Regal Edition. Grimoire. This baby is humongous. It looks like it’s the size of, like, from my middle finger to my elbow. It’s huge. And it’s like black gold cover, and all the pages are like, that uneven, breathtake look. This thing is gorgeous. So beautiful. And I do want to warn the listeners that it is kind of pricey, but I guess Cocorino is only making 100 of them. But there is, like, a smaller version that has, like, the gold, gold on the sides that’s also really pretty. But the Regal Edition is beautiful, and I’m really excited to get it. That sounds awesome. She’s amazing. That sounds good. Personally, what I am loving right now is a tarot deck. No surprise. The account is called Boobo Plague. I think that’s how you pronounce it. Absolutely fucking stunning. Like, fucking stunning. It is like I don’t know how to describe it. I would say almost like, manga inspired. That makes total sense. It looks like something from yeah, like old Japanese art. I don’t know the style that the art would be categorized as but you know those like old Japanese paintings? They’re kind of like very linear and stuff like that. It’s like that. And the deck that they’ve made is called the Yokai Yochi Tarot. And it is fucking beautiful. I want one super bad. Probably going to try to get my hands on it. So pretty. I’m just absolutely blown away by it. It’s so pretty. So beautiful. And it’s black and gold, guys. Yeah, it is, actually.
Participant #1:
It’s already there. Oh, my word. That’s so pretty, Robin. Thanks.
Participant #1:
But those are pretty. I want them. Me too. I don’t think they’re out yet. They just finished printing and I don’t know. I don’t entirely know. I know it’s a Kickstarter first. I want it. I need it. Got to have it. Got to try to. If there is 01:00 a.m. I stocking, I won’t hate it. I would absolutely not hate it. Santa, if you’re listening, Santa, baby
Participant #1:
goodness. That’s going to be me until I get my hands on it. Yeah. It’s so good. I love it.
Participant #1:
Thank you so much for joining us on this episode. We hope to see you on Friday, November 26 for our 21st episode. Or in the meantime, you can catch us on our in between episodes, Coffee Talk. There will not be one in between these two because I’m moving and I need a little break in there. But in the meantime, you can catch us on our Instagram, our Twitter, our Facebook, and you can find all of these links at coffee and Or even better, you can join us on our Discord tier, which is First Covenant on Patreon so we can answer your questions next time. So if you’re loving Coffee and Cauldrons, please take a moment to review us on Apple podcast as well, please. It helps us out so much by getting reviewed on there. We really appreciate it and we love them. They’re so sweet. They are. And that being said, if you join our Patreon, you will get to hear our lovely, beautiful, sensual, sexy voices for an additional 30 ish minutes for a part two episode that goes with this. If you join the Patreon casting tier, end up so again. This is Coffee and Cauldrons with Robin from at a Tired Witch on Instagram. And I’m Maria from At Maria’s Arcane on Instagram. You’re ready? Are you ready? Yeah.
Participant #1: