Participant #1:
Hello. Welcome to our Coffee Talk. This is a new series that we’re doing mid episodes, and it’s a lot of fun, and we hope that you like it. And if you don’t, well,
Participant #1:
you just sit there and you enjoy it. Okay. As we had last month or not last month, last time, the last Coffee Talk episode, we were focusing on ghost stories, and in the whole month of October, that is what we’re doing. So this one’s about ghost stories as well. And they’re so much fun. Like, they’re so good for next month. Do you want to tell them now, or do you want to wait till the end? We’ll wait till the end. All right. Yeah. To build up anticipate patience.
Participant #1:
So as we did last time, these are listeners submitted stories you guys wrote in, whether that was on our Twitter, on Instagram, or even email, we got an email one, so that way you guys can have your stories read. These are fun. I think they’re fun. Yeah. I love them. This is going to become a new thing. Like, we’ll come back to this a lot. At least this thing that being said with the user submitted stories, we got so fucking many of them. Like so many of them, there’s going to be absolutely no way we’re going to be able to get through all of them. So if you don’t hear yours, like, read this week or the last week episode, it is not personal. We didn’t expect to get quite so many stories. I think. I think people really love to tell their experiences. I think it’s a good thing, though, and it also brings us all together as a community to remember that we all have these sort of experiences. We’re all not alone, and none of us are crazy.
Participant #1:
Exactly. We’ll be scared together. I think I deleted all the ones one last time, so we should be able to just get right into it. It looks like it. Yeah, sure. Okay. You ready? Yes. So Green Witch from Instagram. I was a child, probably nine or ten. We lived in an old farmhouse in the middle of nowhere in Illinois.
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Dog. Anyway, so the upstairs was original to the house, so there was lots of squeaky floorboards, and the stairs were especially creaky. My parents bedroom was directly at the top of the stairs. Sisters and I shared a room down the hall. I woke up in the middle of night having heard an unfamiliar sound. I saw a man standing in the doorway of our bedroom. I called out to him and thought it was my dad. He was tall and broad like my father, but moved differently. When I called out to him, he turned and walked toward my parents room. I have this weird feeling, so I got up and followed him. But when I got to the door, he was gone. My parents door hadn’t opened, and no one could have gone down the stairs without making a lot of noise. After searching, not researching, I reluctantly went back to bed. I asked my dad the next morning why he was in our room and he hadn’t been up all night. Of course they didn’t believe me. But nearly 40 years later, I still know what I saw and heard. Or didn’t hear, as it were. I have a lot of questions for the man in the door frame. Sir. What? And also why it seems like spirits always do that. They just like, they stand there and then they walk away, and it’s like, Really? The purpose here, pal? Are you just trying to scare me? Because it’s so working. I think that they’re like, what kind of a shift can I get in tonight? Do you remember what I told you about that little girl in my house that just stared at me for four nights in a row? Why do they do that? Stop it. Actually, you know what’s crazy? I think it was like, last week, there was a little boy standing near my wife, and within a second, he was gone. And I was like, Are you serious? No, but I haven’t seen him again. Yeah, that’s enough for me. I don’t understand why they do that. All right, our next story is from Becca from Instagram. When I was a kid, I hated sleeping in my own room. I always had those closed doors that were full length mirrors, and they terrified me. Same. Back up. Literally same. I did not like sleeping in the same room as a mirror. It felt like I was being watched. I was unaware of my spiritual. Robin, we read this one. We did? Yes, we did. Yes, because I remember the period blood thing.
Participant #1:
Marina could have done the work, too.
Participant #1:
Okay, I am going to read the one that came from our email, then. That way I know for certain and hasn’t been read because I just added fooling mirrors. This one’s very familiar. Listen, you guys, this is a new segment, and nobody said that I was going to be good at it. Okay? What are you talking about? And so much fun and perfection. All right. Yeah. This one I know because I copied it down. So, my name is Izzy, and I lived in my second childhood home between the years 2001 and 2015. And through the years, my family and I have encountered numerous spirits, and I’m pretty sure that they slow experience them today. Like I said, we have a wide range of interactions with spirits, ranging from cliche front back door knocks to objects flying across the room, nail clippers. And nobody was hurt. But the most memorable encounter was when I was about 13 or 14. At the time, I lived with six other people in a two bedroom house, so I had absolutely no privacy. And to remedy that, I would sleep in the living room with my three sisters slept in one room, my parents and the other, and my grandmother downstairs. Anyway, so I was sleeping on the couch and all of a sudden wake up, head and body completely under the comforter. I stick my head out for fresh air, and I see a woman dressed in almost Victorian kind of fashion standing on the wall at a 90 degree angle from where I lay down to Susie Song face to face. Let me tell you, the quickness of which I had slithered off of the couch into my sister’s room was comparable to lightning or bolt or whatever speedy reference you want to use. I prefer flashburden myself. But anyway, years later, my sister and I did a little research on the property and found out as much as one can find out without having to dish out money, which isn’t really much. Turns out the woman that was watching me sleep was Lady Shershwin. Sherwin I don’t know how to pronounce that. Lady Sherwin, whose family owned the plot of land that is known as the neighborhood I grew up in. If you want, I can send a picture of what she looked like because when I found the photo of the family, she was wearing the exact same dress in the photo as what the spectre is wearing when I met her. So they did send me the photo, and I’m going to post it on Instagram when we announced the episode. So for those of you who are listening, who want to see the spectre, they also circled who it was in the photo. So I will. When we announced this episode, the photo used with the circle. Is this story not wild? Yes. That’s crazy. Send you the photo. But it’s crazy. I’ll send it to you while you read the next book. That is so amazing. We see ghost but finding photo evidence of the spirit looking exactly like someone in a photo. The word amazing is definitely a choice one there. Validating. Yes. Also terrifying to know that it definitely wasn’t a dream. I can say that I would not want her standing over me. I’m not trying to say that she’s an unattractive woman. I’m sure in her time she was a beautiful gal. Okay. But she particularly would be very scary. Sit over me. Yeah. Because she looks really stern and kind of matronly, and she’s going to get out of ruler and hit you with it. Literally. That that is 100% survive. Like scary. School yard done. She’s like a farm worker. Anyways, ready for the next one? I am. Okay. So magic mom on Instagram. When I was little, I lived in a small home with my grandma, mum, aunt and cousin. I shared a bed with my grandmother. My cousin was in a crib beside our bed, and my mom stayed in the room down the hall from us. We were poor. No judgment. One night, I was super determined to sleep on my grandma’s side of the bed instead on the side against the wall, to which she
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agreed. I woke up in the middle of the night. I was just laying there in the dark, staring through my cousin’s crib bars into the hallway, when I saw this little red figure. As cliche as it sounds, it looked like this little red humanoid creature with black hair and a tail. The creature walked into the laundry room, walked back out and headed down our hallway. About ten or 15 minutes later, I saw it walk past the door again, but it was carrying the old digital alarm clock. Yeah, that one. From my mom’s room to the laundry room. I was getting uncomfortable trying to stay as still as I possibly could to watch whatever this was. It reemerged from the laundry room right as I shifted my arm into a different spot, looked in my direction and vanished right before my eyes. The following day, my mom was furious because her clock was missing and she missed the alarm, but she was so sure she had said it the night before. After looking around the house, she located the alarm clock in the laundry room, exactly where I saw the little red do. Take it. To this day, my mom still thinks I made up the whole thing and stole the cock myself. That’s so scary.
Participant #1:
That can’t be like a ghost, like a human ghost. I don’t know why. When I was eleven, my grandfather had just passed and it was his wake. I think I told you this story. It was his wake and I got an ear infection, or at least an ear ache, not an infection. And I was eleven and it was my grandmother’s house and I was staying with her. And my grandmother had asked for me to sleep in the bed with her because she didn’t want to be alone. And I was like crying in my bed and I felt this weight at the end of my bed. And it was my grandfather. His homeboy handed me ear drops was like and then went away. And the next morning my grandmother was like, where did you find those ear drop medicines? You’re not allowed to go through the medicine cabinet without help. Was like accusing me of having done this and to this day she doesn’t believe me. I just meant that it was red and had to tell
Participant #1:
story. It’s creepy and comforting and loving. Oh God. Sorry guys, I misunderstood the assignment. Oh my goodness. Okay, our next story comes from Caligula on Instagram. This happened about ten years ago. It was summer and about to be sunset. I was reading and listening to music, but I started hearing my mother calling for me outside in the backyard. And she became insistent. So I finally caved and walked out to the porch. And I could see her silhouette on the left side of the house underneath our orange tree. She was calling me over, but I asked what she wanted, and she just kept calling me over and over, saying nothing else. Listen, before I finish this, this is a lesson for everybody, okay? Members that are calling your name, you walk over there and you see what it is before answering it. That’s how you let shit in. Anyway, yes. I figured that she was just fucking with me. I got a weird pit in my stomach, so I walked back into the house, and about 30 seconds later, when I was walking down the hallway, I heard the front door open and heard my mother voice telling me to help with the groceries, please. My stomach instantly fell sick. My mind was racing. And sure enough, I went to the door and she was sweating. And it wasn’t her in the backyard. I’ll never forget that. That is a life lesson. If you hear your voice being called, even if you’re in the same home with, let’s say, a person who you think is calling you, you get your happy ass up and you go find out what they want. Don’t just be like, yes, because you’re answering them. You’re letting them in. Don’t do it. No. Especially if you’re like, let’s say, in a forest, and you hear your name on the wind. Just ignore it. Just ignore it. Just keep going. You don’t even have to look for it.
Participant #1:
I think I said it last time about the ghost that I found in the mall. But anyway, the first thing Robin said to me when I told her about it was like, you didn’t answer him, did you?
Participant #1:
I’m not stupid. If you’re in the woods actually, this is another good life lesson. These are ghostly life lessons of Robin. Somebody screaming or, like, calling for help. You pick up your phone, you call 911, you tell them where you are, and then you get the fuck out of there. Okay? Yeah. Even if it’s not, like, a spirit or something. Do you really want to be the next victim of a serial killer? No, you do not. Get the fuck out of there.
Participant #1:
None of them. Okay. Ready for the next one? Yes.
Participant #1:
Okay. So this is from France. Hopefully I said that correctly. If I mispronounce that, please, I apologize.
Participant #1:
When I was about seven, my brothers and I played with a Ouija board but never closed it out because we were young, dumb, and didn’t know any better. A few days later, my mom, me and my youngest brother were in bed, really sick with the flu. Out of nowhere, my mom said, erin, my oldest brother who was at work, stopped messing around, thinking he was holding down her ankles. We all looked up and no one was there. My mom’s ankles were clearly being held down. You could see it through the blanket. Afterwards, my mom burned the board, and ever since then, I have never told my mom that I’m a witch. Because I’m terrified that she would lose her mind and a completely different time. My grandpa died suddenly of a brain aneurysm.
Participant #1:
We all went from California to north Dakota for the funeral. No one there knew us except my grandmother. We were in the mall looking for funeral where when an old guy passes us and says, hey, Bob, must have been really tough for you all to come it must have been really tough for you all to come all the way up here from California. My dad kept walking and said, yeah, it sure was. We turned around and the guy was gone. No. We were 1000% sure that it was my grandpa telling us he appreciated us coming out for his funeral. That’s sweet. Scary. Why is he in a mall? But that is sweet. Well, grandparents, like I don’t know about everyone else’s grandparents, but my grandparents love the mall and they would go on mall walks. It was adorable. It was so wholesome. And my grandma would go get little chocolates from the chocolateier and like, I really want to be a cute old person when I’m older. I know I won’t be. I’m going to be like,
Participant #1:
that’s going to be me. I want to be cute. I want to be that old couple that everybody sees and goes, oh, they still like each other, but instead it’s just going to be me and my husband, like scurrying along the floor.
Participant #1:
I know it’s not your time, but it is my time. No, I’m just going to feed off the energy of your time.
Participant #1:
Everybody gets this unfiltered version of us, your chaos. This is what happens between segments, guys.
Participant #1:
Let’s see. The next one is from Amber on Twitter. I used to work at a coffee shop in a really old historic building. I’ve experienced things like doors blowing open from the direction of no windows or doors while coincidentally talking about wishing I could have a paranormal experience. You shall receive the best of my coworker was standing out in front one day and someone started rubbing her shoulders. She was relaxing and enjoying it and she assumed it was one of our other male coworkers and she started to thank him. Second later, he popped his head out of the back room and said, you’re doing good out there alone. No one was behind her. We were all pretty jealous. I heard ghostly rub. Listen, never say ghostly rub again, okay?
Participant #1:
Yeah. I mean, Nicole Smith, years old. Okay, guys, that’s freaky. And also very cool. If any girls are listening, I would take a back rub just right now if you wanted to give me one. I wouldn’t. I don’t know. It depends on where the back rub is at because I’ve heard of things happening, like in showers and while you’re in the bath right now,
Participant #1:
right at this moment, while I am recording this episode, I should clarify Gooeys and ghosts. Okay, so a couple of nights ago. I can’t tell if it was like a muscle spasm, but I swear something was poking me in the shoulder repeatedly. And you usually can feel a muscle spasm, like you reach for your arm or something and you can feel it pulsating. I couldn’t feel anything pulsating.
Participant #1:
All right, your turn, ma’am. Okay. I should have probably been looking for one professional. Welcome to the Inbetween episodes, guys, where we’re a fucking mess.
Participant #1:
We haven’t done Castes from Instagram, right? I don’t think so. But then again, I thought we didn’t do the other one.
Participant #1:
Let’s do this. So, half from Instagram. Nothing super crazy, but when I was younger, I say that my grandma’s house a lot same. Often times I slept in the living room and in the backyard next to her limitry. I would always see a lady glowing in white. She never frightened me and I could stare at her until I fell back to sleep. Although I could never see her face, I knew she was a good one. I also encountered plenty of shadow people that made me jump out of my skin. A lot of my intuitive friends didn’t like coming over because they didn’t like the energy of the house. Turns out there were two portals that we never knew about until way later when we had someone go and cleanse the house. There was also a little girl there you could hear running down the hall. Sometimes she used to watch TV with me late at night. And when I would try to go to bed early, she would softly vibrant to bed to get me to wake up.
Participant #1:
Shake. There’s a difference. Need a clarification here. Did she vibrate the bed or did she shake it? Very important. Is it like one of those shady hotels? The ghoul was just like noise and awe. You can’t say it, but I was shaking my hand. Shaking my entire body.
Participant #1:
Ghostly human vibrator.
Participant #1:
Oh my gosh.
Participant #1:
No thanks.
Participant #1:
Did you lose your spot or was that it? Oh no, that was it. That was it. That was it.
Participant #1:
If you could write in and let us know. Thank you. Please and thank you. I think that’s all of our stories. We got one more. We got one more and we got one more. Yes. The first story I read from Izzy sent in two storey and then that will be it for us. Did we get through every single story that we were sending? There’s no way to do it. We definitely miss them. And we did miss yours. We are sorry. This one looks good. So anyway, back to the store. Izzy, who sent in the one that will be the photo for Instagram. So again, if you want to see what the ghost look like, you need to check there. But my sister has been visited by our deceased relatives on more than one occasion. Often without her even reaching out to them. That doesn’t mean that doesn’t have much to do with the story so much as it emphasizes how sensitive my sister is with the dream world astral plane. One time my sister woke up in tears with a dream, but I said, still get goosebumps thinking about God. Reading is hard, guys. The dream itself was really pretty. One day we are playing in the garage like we usually did, when all of a sudden my sister decided it was lunch time. She walked up the stairs and called up for me to come. All of a sudden I started walking up the stairs, but it wasn’t me. Like it was my body, but there was a shadowy tendrils kind of crowning my head. And I had responded to her in a distorted voice. I’m not Isaac. That’s my birth name. I don’t use it anymore, but you can say it, it’s whatever. It’s just pertinent to the story, I suppose. What was so freaky the time was that the same day we went downstairs to play like the dumbass kids we were. And I can remember it clearly, like it just happened. Our basement was segmented so that there was an upper floor, which was really just a cemented platform that we the family use for storage. Our own personal labyrinth being the kids. So we’re in the labyrinth, which is really just a few boxes laying on the floor. But hey, imagination is fun. When all of a sudden we hear a loud clanging coming from the front of the garage and the light flickered and went out. My sister and I hurtled the boxes and junk around the garage and ran up the stairs three at a time. And that was the last time we ever stepped foot downstairs for any reason other than to do laundry.
Participant #1:
Thanks. Coming out of their head. Is that a joke? I get it with a dream, but is that a joke? He says tendrils. She being the sister says tendrils. I want clarification on exactly what that looks like. Do you know what I mean? Like are we talking like curly tendrils, like hair or hair or we talking like octopus tendrils. The type of tendrils that it is either heightens or lowers. The scary. And I would like to know that.
Participant #1:
Please explain what Kendall’s mean so that way I can be more scared. Thank you. I could be more scared. So I was thinking about the vibrating story. It reminded me have you ever seen the movie that goes to Mr. Chicken? No, but that sounds super familiar. Okay, so it’s my grandfather’s favorite movie and luckily it’s also a Halloween movie. Very good. There’s this one part where there’s like the spiritualist community and the woman’s husband’s, like she came home and vibrated for an hour. It was really fun.
Participant #1:
How did she vibrate? Vibrate means okay, guys, there’s a lot of possibilities here and it’s off putting,
Participant #1:
but these are good. These are really good stuff. These are really good. And this is really fun. Which leads us to our November right in topic. Maria, do you want to tell our beautiful listeners what it’s going to be? Oh, my gosh, I might need you too, because I’ll have to do the exact same because I don’t know the exact words that we came up with. You came up with for next time you did. I’ve been smart. November’s topic is going to be write ins of a time that you hex somebody. It doesn’t quite go the way you expected it to simultaneously, if you just heck somebody and it was funny. You can tell us that one too, even if it did go exactly as you expected it to. We’ve all been there. We all should be at this point, familiar with my story of being 14 and 13 and the nail polish story. Okay. It doesn’t have to be like some grand serious thing, okay? You could have been a child. That’s okay. But let us know. Tell us your funny hexing story so we can read it in November. Yes, like your creepy ones that did not go as planned. You’re like, Oh, oops, like that one GIF of someone grimising and slowly walking away. We’re Simpsons, like backing into the bush.
Participant #1:
But tell us your stories. We want to hear them. I think it’s going to be fun. These have been a blast. We’ll definitely do ghost stories again. Yeah. So let us know and hopefully we’ll have an email set up for you guys to submit emails by the time that this episode comes out. And if that is the case, it will be added to the website and it will be on the Instagram post for submissions and on Twitter too.
Participant #1:
Yeah. Thanks for joining us, you guys, for our latest our second and latest installment of Coffee and Cauldrons, but just Coffee Talk. We hope you guys will join us next week for regularly scheduled episode. Because remember these, it’s not going to be every other week. It’s going to be as often as we can. It’s going to be sporadic and on a whim. Yes, just plain out. There will be monthly topics, but it’s not guaranteed that there will be two episodes of this every single month. There will be at least one. So you can always see us for our regular episodes, which will stay the schedule. You can check out our Instagram or Twitter for future prompts, and the links for all our social media can be found on our website, coffee and As always, if you enjoy coffee and Cauldrons, please take a moment to review us on Apple podcasts because it helps us a lot. Or if you want to support us directly, consider joining us on our Patreon, where we share magical articles and our special Part Two exclusive episodes have a Spell of the Month box. And we even have an amazing discord. We do. We are so lucky having the discord group that we have. I know we’ve been mulling about the idea of expanding the discord to invite more people in because everybody’s so cool, but we’ll see that’s not a problem. That’s just an idea. So nobody gets any idea.
Participant #1:
See you next time, guys. Yep. See ya. Bye.