Participant #1:
So welcome to episode 18 of season two. If you just joined, this is Maria at Mariathercan on Instagram. And I’m joined by ever so lovely Robin At, a tired witch on Instagram. I was going to say this morning, but it’s not morning this evening. This afternoon. Oh no. Staples like a giant morning. Let’s just call it a Monday morning. I know it’s Wednesday, but it is a Monday morning. I got a case in the Mondays. Hate that Sunday morning then. Everyone,
Participant #1:
if you’ve just joined us this week, every single week, we talk about the upcoming lunar phases and how we can sort of utilize them for our magical practices. Once again, as I say now, every episode, this is not an astrological forecast based off of your own natal chart. This is just the lunar phase and how we can use it. So that being said, on October 20, we are looking at the full moon in Aries Ares. Moons in general, whether they’re full or new, are an incredibly fiery moon. It’s a cardinal phase or phase. What’s up, guys? Words are hard. It’s a cardinal astrological sign. And because of that, the fiery elemental notion of it is incredibly powerful. So that being said, we are going to look at doing magic that is addressing our subconscious fears. We are looking at using magic that helps us kind of unearth our unconscious, our subconsciousness and bringing it forward. This is a bad bitch moon, okay? Aries in general are known for being the center of attention, much like a leo. Listen bitch, am I wrong? Am I wrong?
Participant #1:
Oh my God, says the girl who’s out here fucking photoshopping herself floating above a candle is going to tell me she doesn’t like attention. Okay? Anyway, she
Participant #1:
leaves. I’m ram anyways. But nobody believes that. That’s why the positive or less egotistical side of this moon is that the fears and kind of bad bitch energy that we are pulling from this moon, we are meeting it with courage and with compassion. Because even though Aries are really just center of attention whores, okay? Show me an Aries that isn’t. They are also some of the nicest. They are the nicest and the most compassionate and the most courageous of all of the signs. So we’re going to hone in that energy and we’re looking at kind of addressing our fears and doing so with boldness and being kind to yourself because it is really hard sometimes to be vulnerable. And if we’re looking at magic, that kind of gives us a little confidence boost, a little. Maybe you need to be the center of attention for a little while, cause we all need that sometimes. This is the kind of magic that we’re looking at. So hone in on that fiery bad bitch energy that comes with an Aries, okay? And regardless of your gender, anybody can be a bad bitch. That is a fact. And if you don’t like it, well, then I guess you can fight me. I guess we’re fighting. I like how you knocked us down and then lifted Aries right up. Listen, the entire pickup line thing like egotistical, but you’re a bad bitch. Yeah, it’s egotistical in a fun way. In a God honoring way. Listen, everyone. No. Every single zodiac sign has their problems, okay? And it’s not my fault that the fire signs, like, attention, okay? It’s not my fault. It’s okay. You have Leo in your chart. I have so much Leo in my chart. That is why I like gentian, okay? All of us in this room are self aware, Maria, okay?
Participant #1:
I am like, the least cancer of all the cancers because the rest of my charge is just like and here’s some fire. You like attention frequently. A little aquarius, because why not? Oh, my God.
Participant #1:
No. Enjoy it, guys. Go get that confidence.
Participant #1:
So if you just started listening to us, every podcast, we talk about a random tarot card. We go over the key words and the universal meaning and then our own interpretation of them. Hearing other people’s opinions helps beginners form their own opinions, or even those who have been practicing for a while, expand their views on other meanings. So this week we’re talking about the seven of cups reversed when upright. This card shows seven cups full of different objects floating in clouds. The person on the card is turned towards them, looking at them in wonder. The reverse keywords of this card is blocked imagination, illusion, and Confusion. Now, my personal interpretation of this card depends on the circumstance, like it does with most cards, but more often times than not, it comes up during a reading when we are faced with a lot of crappy options and choices. But regardless, we have to pick the one that is the least horrible. Time is usually of the essence when this card pops up upright and reversed. But not making a choice is a choice is a choice within itself, and it’s usually the worst action that we can take. So I highly recommend going and making a decision while I’m still available to you. Alternatively, when this card comes up, we are in a creative slump, or even in a slump when it comes to figuring out what makes us happy. We are, like, exasperated by all of our terrible ideas and, like, recent failed conquests, and you just keep plugging away and hoping things turn around. When this is the case, I personally say to keep going, keep it up, keep trying new things, even if they are terrible. Just don’t stick. Like, don’t stick with what you know deep down won’t work out in the end because you never know if you’ll miss out on something that does eventually work out in your favor. So how do you use this card? Robin Deer for me, this card is very similar to what you said about it being very similar to its upright self. For me it’s taking the upright self and then allowing it to kind of allowing is the wrong word, but it becoming a place of just like washing over you to the point of being massively overwhelmed. You know how I’ve said before that I think the seven of cups is like the tinder of tarot card? I remember that when it’s upright we’re seeing all these different options and those options are a lot can be overwhelming and when we see it in reverse, the overwhelming decision is putting us in kind of like you said in this position of not choosing because we are so overwhelmed. It’s kind of like I’m trying to think how to word this. I, for example, have a really big move coming up and I have made myself list and lists of all the things I need to do and I’m so overwhelmed with the idea of what I have to do that I’m just not doing anything. And that’s this card.
Participant #1:
Yeah. It’s just like being so overwhelmed. It’s just taking it upright and cranking it up to like 1 million for me. I do agree with you that it is very situational, but it is to me this card just screams like being trapped or feeling trapped and avoiding responsibility and issues because of being overwhelmed. Thank you your for interpretation. Thanks, mom. You’re welcome, dear. I’m sure a lot of people can relate to that, though. I know that I’ll see a huge list of things I have to do and I’m just like, well, that sounds like a lot so I’m going to avoid it.
Participant #1:
Exactly. And then when you have all these awful choices to make and you’re like, I’d rather not buy pick the best one out of the worst ones. No thanks. It’s not for me. Actually. I’ve thought about it. It’s going to pass. I’m just going to let the spirits and energies just do as it may. Oh, God. I’m actually currently manifesting all my bags to be packed on their own. I’m manifesting that for me just like it’s Sabrina for you. Thank you. I’m just going to snap my fingers and it will be on and it’s because I’m the spring. Could you imagine? So much easier. I literally could imagine. And I’m angry at the fact that
Participant #1:
so this week we’re going to be talking about protection magic. And protection work should be a cornerstone in every witch’s practice, honestly. Not only does it help protect us from, let’s say, spirits, but it also protects us from other people’s energy, including witches with ill intent to throw around their energy with more purpose. But also this is a really good time for protection magic in terms of like 100% spiritual stuff as well. Because I know that we’ve talked about this before. With this time of year, a lot of people fall under the belief that the veil is thinning. And so with that belief and with that understanding, you need to do protection magic to do things simply to keep wandering, ghouls out. Yeah. And then also during the colder months, we’re inviting more people into our home and more energies into our home. So having good protection wards up in that regard to is very important. Yes. Actually, on the winter months, it’s the darkest part of the year. And with the darkest part of the year comes, unfortunately, a lot of mental health darkness as well. And so, unfortunately, sometimes, whether people mean to or not, they accidentally kind of deflect that darkness on to us, into our homes, etc. Because they’re struggling and they don’t mean to. Similarly, it could be within our own homes, we kind of create this negative energy for ourselves because we’re struggling. And so protection magic is so important. First, I think that we should talk about, like, cleansing, which is his own form of protection and should be done on a regular basis because it’s a preventative measure. Stagnant energy can make bad energy, negative energy, stick around. So I tried like every dark or new moon to clean up my home to the best of my abilities. Because sometimes you have to be realistic. You’re not going to be able to do like a total deep cleanse every month, but maybe you’re extra. I don’t know. We don’t know your life. Okay, maybe you got the time. I know I don’t and Maria doesn’t. No, maybe you have the time. Okay, this is why I have a child and a wife who will help me.
Participant #1:
But I don’t wait, just wait around till, like, the darker new moon to do it, though. Especially depending on the time of year, like, as you said, and it’s the darker time of the year or what’s going on. Astrologically, like Mercury retrograde, I try to cleanse my home weekly. But also cleansing objects I buy second hand as soon as I bring them into my home is a additional preventable thing that I do. I can speak, I promise. Talking is really hard today, guys. Oh, my God. So a spirit might not always be attached to an object, but it can still you bet it still holds residual energy. And I was telling the discord a few days ago that I also speak to my second hand objects before I cleanse it, telling any spirit that’s hanging around it that they can stay if they promise to be friendly, and that I would love and cherish the object in question. What do you do for cleansing? I do a smoke cleansing in my house probably at least once a season, but I would say it’s probably closer to once a month, if not once every other month. And I actually just added an article about this, about floor washes. I make a floor wash
Participant #1:
specifically, like the Devil Begone floor wash that I put in the article that I put on Patreon. I take that and then I add it to a vinegar water mixture base for cleaning. So the vinegar and water is a cleaning product on its own, right? Yeah. And then I add probably a 10th part of the floor wash to it. And I kind of use this mixture in my everyday, like whenever I mop in our house, because it is so small, I’m able to spray and then mop as I go. Or I’ll put it in like a mop bucket and do that. So I’m getting that kind of cleansing done every third day at most. I do actually cleanse quite regularly, but it’s very lazy cleansing. Like that. Yeah, actually, like in the book New World Witchery, corey mentioned how pinesal actually has magical attributes and people use it magically in order to cleanse their space. And I thought that was super interesting and I haven’t heard that before, but I do remember that. Yeah. And then someone in our discord, we were having a little discord hangout discussing New Worldwitry, and one of our discord members asked, you know, is a single cleansing thing enough to do? Like, if you choose to do a floor wash, is that enough to be like, well, my house is cleansed because I did a floor wash. What’s your opinion on that? Yes and no. I think it’s really dependent on like the entire situation that goes with it. It depends. Let’s say, for example, doing a full ritual smoke cleanse, right? When was the last time that you did that before using the floor wash? Right. I also feel like it has a lot to do with like, for example, I do the lazy cleansing with the floor wash. Right. I call it lazy cleansing. It’s not lazy, but I call it lazy cleansing. Am I taking the time when I am doing that to think about the fact that I’m cleansing spiritually as well? Am I putting positive thoughts in it? Am I focusing on getting negative energy out? Like, probably not every time. Maybe everybody else does. But again, back to the lazy cleansing. My ass forgets. Sometimes I just do. And so with forgetting, that’s not going to be enough. In my opinion. If you do a floor wash with real intention and it is like mindful and all that, then yeah, I believe it can be enough. Yeah. What do you think I was telling her that I’m extra if I’m doing a day of cleansing? The shut up.
Participant #1:
Okay, I’m extra. I am. Okay. But anyways, if I’m going to cleanse, I’m doing it all. Like, I am doing the floor wash. I am cleaning the limitless spaces, like the door frames, the mirrors and the threshold. And then I’m going to smoke cleanse it’s. Like, I’m going to hit every angle that I can and I’m going to even do my salt trick that I posted on Instagram. It was like a month ago where I click saltwater on the four corners of my house. But yeah, I personally I go all in, I wouldn’t feel comfortable only sticking with one thing. But also I don’t do a full cleansing every month. You know that feeling where you can fill your house is stuffy and everything is stagnant and you’re like, Oh, it’s got to happen. Yeah. I will say going off of you saying that it needs to be there, not that it needs to be, but that you go extra I do think that there is 1000% a time, a place and a need for being over the top like that. And as much as I’m making fun of Maria for using the word extra, I think we all go a little bit extra from time to time and that’s important and I do it too. I do an over the top cleanse like she’s describing like once or twice a year, so it’s not often, but I know this year especially because we just had a baby and stuff like that, I did a whole protection and cleansing situation when my baby was about a week old and I was over the top with that like psycho shit. My husband was like, babe, you just had a kid. Like, why don’t you go lay down? I was like, I must protect love that. It was like full on, like postpartum mania. Probably something I should talk to a doctor about, but I’m not going to I think we all get that way. Just like I don’t know, just that to some degree kicks in. Yeah. So how about wards? What wards do you tend to do? For wards, we have oh, my husband’s going to hear this. He’s going to know about my words. I have secret words that I keep from him but now he’s going to hear about it and be like, that’s what the fuck that is. He has certain little home guardians and wards that I have throughout our house. Some of them are like figures that we have in our house that are particularly placed that become home guardians. And then I’ve got like little they’re like clay, I guess they’re kind of clay. It’s like a local dirt mud clay. It’s not really clay, but it’s kind of clay with sigils carved into them. And I have them hidden underneath the house in various spots. But mostly I know I’ve got one in each of the corners of the house underneath it and I have a couple of others that are scattered that are below main entryways. So our house has got four doors despite it being a tiny home because it’s a school bus. So I’ve got one underneath each of those and then one underneath each of the corners of the home. So my words are a little over the top, but here we are. Nothing wrong with that. It’s fine and it’s good, actually. Yeah, that’s what I do. What about you? So I do my Threshold mixture that I put just like a different bunch of protective herbs and I sprinkled on my threshold and I even do it like all the entries in the house, like anything that anyone would walk through. And then I have a mirror above my altar that I charge to reflect energy and then also like bad gossiping and stuff like that. Let’s see what else I do. And then I do also have something on the four corners of my house. I do selling night and then I also have celly night. Well, that’s technically it’s like a constant cleansing thing, I guess. It’s not really for protection per se, but I can see judgment for it. Yeah. And then above my fireplace I have a huge piece of cellular night that continually hearts of the home is an important piece of my house because that’s where my family gathers around. That’s where we watch movies together on the weekends and stuff. What else do I do? Trying to think. Oh yeah, and then I have a bottle that’s by my front door that has a bunch of protective ingredients in it that I’ve buried. And then I also hang up a few. I don’t know, it changes throughout the season. Sometimes I’ll have like a chase tree branch or I will have holly. I guess it kind of goes with the season, but everything has its own offers its own different type of protection for the season. And I change that out and I hang some by my front door. And also with my rent door, I have bells. I have a set of three bills. So like if anyone walks in, it automatically cleanses the space and also keeps bad negative energies at bay. And then on the right side of my door I have a broom that’s upside down to protect against unwanted intruders, basically. Yeah. Also you talking reminded me of a few things that I forgot to mention. I also do cascadia powder, which is like the egg shell powder which goes around the entire border of the house. And then I have a home protection bottle as well that’s underneath the front door. But although it is a protection model, it’s more for protecting, just to keep things happy. And it is more of like an energy kind of thing. Just like yeah, the purpose of it is just to make sure that anybody who enters our home brings good energy and happiness and their bullshit gets left at the door. That’s the idea. So it’s not quite protection, but it is. Yeah. That’s why I also on my fireplace, I hang baby’s breath for good communication and then also honeysuckle to sweeten the house. That’s cute. That’s such a cute horse. That makes sense, but that’s so cute. Thank you.
Participant #1:
I also have like, honey suckle growing in the back of my yard. And I found out a honeysuckle naturally grows in your backyard. That it’s a happy family. So I refuse even though it’s like ruining my fence. It’s pretty and it’s, Dang. Okay. Yeah. My fence is literally crumbling to nothingness, but it’s free and it will stay there. Sure, the homeowners association is going to have a whirlwind with this one, but they can basically be white back. Oh my goodness. I think that in general, protection magic is really underutilized. I think that accidentally a lot of people get into witchcraft and magic because they want to get their ex back or they want to get revenge. And I’m not shading anybody for that because we’ve talked about that before. That is a very common reason people get into magic. Like literally no shade or disrespect for that. However, if you are trying to do magic seriously, beyond trying to do a love spell to get that person at school to like you back or whatever, protection magic should be the foundation that we all start with, in my personal opinion. Yeah. I think if you don’t have protection stuff up and you’re already like flinging out your energy everywhere, it can come back and bite you from my experiences. And then it really should be the cornerstone in every witch’s practice. You should have some protective measures up before you do spell work. I agree, but what do you do for 1 second? There we go. What do you do for like, when you need protection immediately? Do you have anything that you do, like if you feel like your protection boards are not working and like energy has been thrown at you, rephrase the question. Do you mean like, am I out of the house and I feel like I need to deal with my home? Like, let’s say a spirit has entered your house or you know someone, it has something against you and like all these things to go wrong. Like things like that. Okay. For me personally, I’m pretty basic when it comes to this sort of magic. I have a collection of black, like, glass seven day candles and I wipe that shit out immediately. I forgot about that. That’s something I always have up. I have a protection seven day handle going. Love that. I get to it immediately. I have like paint pens for those and I’ll get real fucking specific on them too. I do it too. I write it out and I will get specific as fuck. Like I will be sat there going, this is what I think is going on. This is what I need to have happen. Like this spell or this candle, whatever is for this. Like I am trying to rid myself of X, Y and Z. And so I’ll get the candle going and the spell started and then I will immediately go and cleanse my house. Once the candle is up, the cleansing starts, period. Yeah. For me it is like a spell cleanse go. And then I just leave the candle going for the duration, obviously, of the wax. And that is for me, that extra juice Delicio.
Participant #1:
I do black, like, little chime candles, and I’ll do a banishment symbol on them if it’s for, like, a spirit. I’m also a big believer in, like, if you feel like there’s something negative, like, attaching to you or anything like that, is to take a salt bath and not just like and then also dumping some charcoal in the bath to draw whatever it is out. I use charcoal. Oh, I like that too. Yes, please. And bonus tips. It makes your skin feel amazing. And then I also do the whole salt water on the four corners of the house. That’s what I do. I think that makes sense. I don’t know. I think that everybody’s got their own sort of little rituals for stuff like that. And I do think it would be very interesting to hear what you guys do in terms of your protection in situations like that where it’s like a pinch. Oh, no, I got something I think that’d be really interesting. And I know that doing protection magic maybe isn’t the most glamorous, but I think it’s important.
Participant #1:
Oversight. It’s like birth control. It’s just like birth control. It’s not fun to remember to take that little pill every day, but it’s bad. Or a little whoopsie, baby.
Participant #1:
Yes. So protect yourself, please. And I really would like to hear other people like what they do in terms of a pinch. I think that’d be fun. Maybe I’ll make a post on Instagram, and you guys can reply to it, because I think that’d be really fun. We could talk about it, and it would be really cool to see what other people do, and maybe you guys can grow from that. Yeah, get some new ideas. What’s the thing that Maria says at the beginning of the Tarot section every time? Hearing other people’s perspectives helps us grow in our own practice. Exactly. So maybe we’ll do a little post on that. I think that’d be really fun. It’d be cool to hear your guys’perspective. Come share with us. Come, children, share with us. Oh, my God.
Participant #1:
So, Robin, what is stirring your cauldron right now? Thank you so much for asking. That was so sexy. That was, like, your most phone sex operator voice to date. Apps for marina, everyone. What is stirring my cauldron right now, by the way? Somebody pointed out to me on Twitter I don’t remember who, somebody pointed out to me that the stirring not stirring sounds like a sex innuendo. And then we do the sex voices over. It might just want that person and anybody else who’s had that thought to know that’s, like, the whole fucking point.
Participant #1:
Yeah, that’s the joke. Welcome to the party game, witchcraft. I mean, it’s very sexy. It’s very sexy. He did not know. So what is stirring my cold room this week is the fact that Fall is here. And not just Fall is here, because I know that Fall has technically been here for a few weeks, but it’s starting to actually feel like fall where I’m at. It’s been raining. Like, I went for a walk with my husband and baby this morning. It was sprinkling, and it’s like being cool and cold at night, and the leaves are starting to change. The pepper plant that we had that produced so many peppers, I brought them to Oregon to give to Jay Allen Cross when I met up with them, and I forgot them in my car. That pepper plant has died. Okay? It’s just like, fall is here, okay. And I am here for it. I’m very excited. I know you guys know that I love fall and I love spooky season, but actually now feels like fall. And considering where I live all summer, it was nothing but smoke. I think we saw the sky, like, five times all summer. It’s just been a really nice change. I can see the sky. It’s all crisp and cold, and it’s not 117 degrees while you’re breathing, like, nothing but smoke. It’s been really nice. It’s getting cooler here, and it’s Southern fall, but still nice fall. But I am excited about it too. Halloween and salad, all the fun things. I know. I’m so jazzed about it. So that is where I’m at right now. I am loving it. I even looked for a new hoodie and stuff this year. I’m living for it, so I am just really jazzed, and I’m glad that falls here.
Participant #1:
Participant #1:
So, Maria, what’s not stirring your cold you’re in right now? So sexy. I tried to mess your energy. It’s never going to work. Sure it will. We’ll be phone sex operators together. Thanks, mom.
Participant #1:
Okay, so it is 2021, and we should not be still talking about spirit animals and vision quiz in books. No, you should preface as white people, as white people. Like, white people shouldn’t be educating white people on how to do this act that is for Native Americans. Like, no,
Participant #1:
I cannot believe that. Oh, no. I recently got a book I’m not going to say which book it was, but just please read over your books and make sure if you see something in a book like that, that author is apparently super disconnected from just the overall community right now and of social aspects right now. Yeah, it’s just so problematic, and we shouldn’t be doing that. Very bad, gang. Very not good. And it ruins, like, an overall great book. And then you get to that one part and you’re like, what year is it? Come on. Are you kidding me? Do you remember Jumanji, when Robin Williams comes out and he goes, what year is it? That’s me. Right?
Participant #1:
But it’s no longer early 2000s where we can be ignorant to this stuff. This stuff is so well known right now. There are absolutely no excuses. I’ll be honest, it’s pretty disappointing, actually, when publishing houses are not vetting shit like that. And I don’t even mean vetting. It like somebody in the publishing editing standpoint when it’s coming from a pagan publisher. Somebody in those steps should have said, you want to maybe reconsider this?
Participant #1:
Exactly. They’re like it. Leave it in. Why not?
Participant #1:
I don’t understand how that stuff can slip in. I mean, just me writing my own stuff. I am so careful about the stuff that I write that I couldn’t imagine just be like, this is fine. It’s fine. Even as an editor reading it. Oh, it’s fine. Just leave it in there. It’s going to do so well. Yeah.
Participant #1:
That is a nefarious act. That’s good. Oh, my gosh.
Participant #1:
So if you have just joined us, every single week, we talk about creators that we’re loving right now. This could be social media platforms, businesses, books, art, photography. Like, it doesn’t matter if we found it and inside creation, we like it. These are organically found. Please do not send us messages asking to be features on here. And on that note, I’m specifically looking at the account that DM does. I think it was two days ago that just said, Hi coffee. What? Like coffee? What? Name of coffee and cauldrons? I literally laughed so fucking hard. Go to our DMs. It’s on Instagram. It says, Hi, coffee with a heart. And I’m like, Tell me how he not listening to us. Telling me. Yeah, that made me really laugh. I think it’s a request. Yes, it is. It’s the third one down. It’s from two days ago. Oh, yes, I see it. Hi coffee. Publicly ridiculing you on the podcast now. This is how this is going.
Participant #1:
That being said, now that we’ve gotten that little fun tidbit out of the way, maria, who are you loving right now? So I am loving, actually, a little South Carolina business. They’re called Southern Curiosities. And they make those little displays with, like, cicadas, dragonflies, bees, all the insects and stuff like that. And I recently got a damsel fly from them and so beautiful. They put them like this little oh, my God. I don’t pronounce this wrong, but whatever. Little thing. Terrarium. Yeah, I can speak anyways, but just her displays are so beautiful and so pretty. Looking at these, you know how I told you my plan for smoke Balls bedroom when we move? How fitting would these be for that? 100%. Well, I found some stuff I’m buying.
Participant #1:
They’re so beautiful, and I’m really excited to maybe get a cicada from them sometime because I love cicadas. So cute. You love cicadas? I love them every time summer comes around. They’re the one thing that makes summer fun because they’re so loud and I don’t know, it’s relaxing. It’s like turning on white noise outside. You’re the first person I’ve ever heard now. I’ve never seen cicadas. I’ve never been around them. I’m from California. We don’t have them. Okay. They’re huge. You’re the only person I’ve ever heard say out loud. I like cicadas, so I’m going to trust you on this. They’re amazing. I love them. They’re all, like, screaming to be mated during the summer. Yeah, exactly. That’s what you’re doing. You hear them in the summer, and I love it. I love that energy. Oh, my God.
Participant #1:
Mine is not like, horny cicadas. Mine is an artist whose username is Stephanie artdesign. And actually, they have some I guess they’re kind of like, taxidermy things as well, like skulls with butterflies and stuff, which are really cool. But the reason that I found them was they’ve done this, like, little series of sheet ghosts, and it’s really cute. It’s like they’ve done, like, a wallpaper. They painted, like, a wallpaper, and then they painted a sheet ghost on top of a semi transparent paper of some kind and put it over it so it gives it this kind of foreground background situation. But it’s really subtle and cute. I just think they’re super cute. Like, the little Guli’s. They’re so cute. And they’ve got, like, a wood carving that they did. Also the chicos. And as we all know, after my sheet goes family photo shoot, I’m very into Shegoes right now, and I just thought it was so cute. It is so cute. I love it. Oh, my gosh. Yes. That’s who I’m loving right now. Definitely not a cornya. I’m definitely keeping an eye on that shop because it is lovely. So cute.
Participant #1:
Thank you all for joining us this week. We hope that we will see you on Friday, October 29, for the 19th episode of the season. We are going to have a special guest for Salin. Jessica. Oh, my God. Jessica.
Participant #1:
You can keep an eye out on our Instagram or on our Twitter, and you can find all of these by accessing our website, Or even better, you can join us on our discord here, which is First Covenant on Patreon, so we can answer your questions in our part two. Next time, you’ll even get to hear our lovely, sexy, sensual, definitely perfectly enunciated voices. For an additional 30 minutes episode, we’re being on the Patreon’s casting tier and up. So, again, this is Coffee and Cauldron with Robin from out of Tired Witch on Instagram. And I’m from Instagram. Are you ready? Yes. All right. 1223.
Participant #1: